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Per evitare che un impulso involontario possa azionare il
cancello durante la manovra , prima di ribloccare l'operatore,
togliere alimentazione all'impianto.
1) Ruotare il sistema di sblocco in senso antiorario di circa
180°, come indicato in Fig.2.
2) Ruotare la chiave in senso antiorario ed estrarla dalla
serratura, come indicato in Fig.2.
3) Muovere il cancello fino all'ingranamento dello sblocco.
Read the instructions carefully before using the product and
keep them for future consultation.
If installed and used correctly, the FALCON automated system
will ensure a high degree of safety.
Some simple rules regarding behaviour will avoid any accidental
Do not stand near the automated system and do not allow
children and other people or things to stand there, especially
while it is operating.
Keep radiocontrols or any other pulse generator well away
from children to prevent the automated system from being
activated involuntarily.
Do not allow children to play with the automated system.
Do not willingly obstruct gate movement.
Prevent any branches or shrubs from interfering with gate
Keep illuminated signalling systems efficient and clearly
Do not attempt to activate the gate by hand unless you
have released it.
In the event of malfunctions, release the gate to allow
access and wait for qualified technical personnel to do the
necessary work.
After enabling manual operating mode, switch off the
power supply to the system before restoring normal
operating mode.
Do not make any alterations to the components of the
automated system.
Do not attempt any kind of repair of direct action
whatsoever and contact qualified personnel only.
Call in qualified personnel at least every 6 months to check
the efficiency of the automated system, safety devices
and earth connection.
FALCON automated system is ideal for controlling vehicle
access areas of medium transit frequency.
FALCON automated system for sliding gates is an electro-
mechanical operator transmitting motion to the sliding gate
via a rack-and-pinion or a chain appropriately coupled to the
Operation of the sliding gate is controlled by an electronic
control equipment housed inside the operator or in a
hermetically sealed external container.
When, with the gate closed, the equipment receives an
opening command by radiocontrol or from another suitable
device, it activates the motor until the opening position is
If automatic operating mode was set, the gate re-closes
automatically after the selected pause time has elapsed.
If the semi-automatic mode was set, a second pulse must be
sent to close the door again.
An opening pulse during re-closing, always causes movement
to be reversed.
A stop pulse (if supplied) always stops movement.
For details on sliding gate behaviour in different function logics,
consult the installation technician.
Automated systems include safety devices (photocells,
sensitive edges) that prevent the gate from closing when
there is an obstacle in the area they protect.
The system ensures mechanical locking when the motor is not
operating and, therefore, installing another lock is unnecessary.
Manual opening is, therefore, only possible by using the release
The gearmotor does not have a mechanical clutch and,
therefore, it is coupled to an equipment with an electronic
clutch offering the necessary anti-crushing safety if the system
is completed with the necessary safety devices.
A handy manual release with customised key makes it possible
to move the gate in the event of a power cut or fault.
The warning-light indicates that the gate is currently moving.


If the gate has to be operated manually due to a power cut
or fault of the automated system, use the release device as
1) Fit the supplied key in the lock and turn it clockwise as shown
in figure 1.
2) Turn the release system by about 180° clockwise, as shown
in figure 1.
3) Open and close the gate manually.
To prevent an involuntary pulse from activating the gate during
the manoeuvre, cut power to the system before re-locking the
1) Turn the release system by about 180° anti-clockwise, as
shown in figure 2.
2) Turn the key anti-clockwise and remove it from the lock, as
shown in figure 2.
3) Move the gate until the release meshes.
Lire attentivement les instructions avant d'utiliser le produit et
les conserver pour toute nécessité future éventuelle.
S'il est correctement installé et utilisé, l'automatisme FALCON,
garantit un degré de sécurité important.
Quelques normes simples de comportement peuvent éviter
des accidents:
Ne pas stationner et éviter que des enfants, des tiers et des
choses ne stationnent à proximité de l'automatisme surtout
durant le fonctionnement.
Eloigner de la portée des enfants les radiocommandes ou
tout autre générateur d'impulsions, pour éviter que
l'automatisme ne soit actionné involontairement.
Interdire aux enfants de jouer avec l'automatisme.
Ne pas empêcher volontairement le mouvement du portail.
Eviter que des branches ou des arbustes n'interfèrent avec
le mouvement du portail.
Faire en sorte que les systèmes de signalisation lumineuse
soient toujours efficients et bien visibles.
Ne jamais essayer d'actionner manuellement le portail: le
déverrouiller préalablement.
En cas de dysfonctionnement, déverrouiller le portail pour
permettre l'accès et attendre l'intervention technique du
personnel qualifié.
Lorsque le fonctionnement manuel a été prédisposé,
couper le courant sur l'installation avant de rétablir le
fonctionnement normal.
N'effectuer aucune modification sur les composants qui
font partie du système d'automation.
S'abstenir de toute tentative de réparation ou d'intervention
directe et s'adresser uniquement à un personnel qualifié.
Faire vérifier, tous les six mois au minimum, l'efficience de
l'automatisme, des dispositifs de sécurité et de la mise à
terre par un personnel qualifié.


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