objects that could cause damage in the event of an accident are
properly secured or stored.
•The DRIVE safety seat must be properly fastened to your vehi-
cle with the seat belt or the Isofix anchors, even when it is not in
use, because in the event of an accident it could get flung about
and could injure the other occupants of the car.
• Do not expose the upholstery to sunlight for long periods,
when the seat is not in use, cover it or store it in the boot.
• Wash the plastic parts with soap and warm water, carefully
drying all the components afterwards. The upholstery can be
removed for washing.
Follow the instructions below:
-Headrest: Remove the upholstery from the groove around the
top of the headrest. Unfasten the two clips and take the cover
off under the overhang of the headrest.
-Shoulder and crotch strap pads: Undo the Velcro strips on the
shoulder pads and take them off the straps. The crotch strap
pad is taken off over the buckle.
-Upholstery on the seat part: Take the cover off all around the
edges of the seat, then unfasten the clips on the front part and
those on the bottom of the seat.
• Wash at a temperature never higher than 30º C.
• To fit the upholstery back on, follow the same steps in reverse.
This article comes with a guarantee in accordance with
the provisions of law 23 / 2003 of 10th July. Keep your re-
ceipt as proof of purchase, it is essential to present the re-
ceipt in the shop where you bought the product to confirm
validity of the guarantee in the event of any problems.
This guarantee excludes any defects or breakages caused by
inappropriate use of the article or inobservance of the safety
and maintenance rules listed in the instruction pages and on the
care labels, as well as faults caused by wear and tear through
normal use and daily handling.