FunctiOning AnD LOgic
once the points listed previously have been checked, press key 1 for three seconds to ignite the stove.
15 minutes are available for the ignition phase. after ignition and having reached the control temperature, the stove interrupts
the ignition phase and passes to STarTINg.
During the starting phase, the stove stabilises combustion, increasing it progressively, to then start ventilation and pass on to
During the work phase, the stove reaches the set power; see following item.
ADjuSting pOWer Setting
Set the functioning power from 1 to 5 (settable using keys 4 - 5).
Power 1 = minimum level - Power 5 = maximum level.
Proportionally, the tangential fan will work at the same power as the pellet feed.
(5 power = 5 tangential fan speed).
rOOM teMperAture
The appliance can check the room temperature by means of the room probe (as per standard).
The wanted room temperature can be set from 07° to 40°C using keys 2 and 3.
Having reached the set temperature, it will automatically go to the minimum or switch off activating the
StAnD By function,(see chapter on following page), reducing pellet consumption to a minimum.
Burn pOt cLeAning
While working, the stove has an internal counter which cleans the burn pot after a set amount of time.
This phase will be shown on the display, it will bring the stove to a lower power level and will increase the flue gas motor for a
programmed amount of time.
When the cleaning phase is finished, the stove will continue work going back to the selected power level.
Press key 1 for three seconds.
When the operation has been performed, the appliance automatically enters the switch- off phase, blocking the supply of
the flue exhaust motor and the hot air ventilation motor will remain on until the temperature of the stove has dropped
below the factory parameters.
The stove can only be re-ignited if the flue gas temperature has lowered and the preset timer has been reset to zero.
FunctiOning cycLe
OFF è StArt è ignitiOn è StArting è WOrk è Burn pOt cLeAning è FinAL cLeAning è