bolitas de unidades (azul), después multiplicamos las decenas y pasamos 2 veces 7 bolitas de
las decenas (rojo), pero no tenemos suficientes, por lo tanto pasamos las 7 primeras a la
derecha y las 3 restantes también, entonces pasamos 1 bolita de las centenas (verde) y a la vez,
pasamos a la izquierda todas las bolitas de las decenas (rojo), como faltan 4 decenas por pasar,
movemos estas 4 bolitas de decenas (rojo) a la derecha. Al final nos quedará 1 bolita de
centenas (verde), 4 bolitas de decenas (rojo) y 8 bolitas de unidades (azul), es decir, 148.
The abacus is believed to be the most ancient calculating device and is the precursor of modern
digital calculators. Its exact origins are difficult to pin down, but most historians believe it came
from somewhere in central Asia.
It evolved differently in different parts of the world and today there are various kinds of abacus:
the Suan Pan (Chinese abacus), the soroban (Japanese abacus) the Stschoty (Russian
The abacus is very easy to understand and is useful for learning how to do calculations. Its
positional number system helps us to understand number operations (addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division) and even square roots and exponents. The advantage of the ABACUS
is that it teaches us to think and reason logically about any mathematical problem, so we develop
the ability to find solutions to these problems.
An abacus consists of a frame with parallel bars, each containing 10 movable beads.
Diagram 1 shows us what they represent.
Tens of Thousands
Hundreds of Thousands
Tens of Millions
Hundreds of Millions
Before you start to use it, make sure all the beads are on the left hand side.
To begin to familiarise yourself with it, try making different numbers with the beads, try out
different combinations on the abacus and work out the number they form.
2.A. To form the number 48, move 8 unit beads (first row, blue) to the right. To form the tens, we
move 4 beads (second row, red) to the right. This number will be represented as shown in picture
2.B. To form the number 25,961, move 1 unit bead (first row, blue) to the right. To form the tens,
we move 6 beads (second row, red) to the right. To form the hundreds, we move 9 beads (third
row, green) to the right. To form the thousands, move 5 beads (fourth row, yellow) to the right.
Finally, to form tens of thousands, we move 2 beads (fifth row, white) to the right. This figure on
the abacus will be as shown in picture 2.B.
2.C. To form the number 312,437,650 we begin with the units (first row, blue) but this time we
don't need to move any, so we go on to the tens, and move 5 beads (second row, red) to the
right. To form the hundreds (second row, green) we move 6 beads right. For the thousands
(fourth row, yellow) we move 7 beads to the right. For the tens of thousands (fifth row, white) we
move 3 beads to the right. For the hundreds of thousands (sixth row, blue) we move 4 beads to
the left. For the millions (seventh row, red) we move 2 beads to the right. For tens of millions
(eighth row, green) there is 1, so we pass a single bead to the right. And finally, for hundreds of
millions (ninth row, yellow) we move 3 beads to the right. Picture 2.C. shows how this figure will
look on the abacus.
Below are a few exercises for you to try:
* 1: Represent the following numbers using the abacus: 46, 98, 191, 205, 539, 987, 1009, 1692,
* 2: Write down the numbers represented in diagram 3:
A/ ..............
B/ ..............
C/ ..............
D/ ..............
E/ ..............
F/ ..............
G/ ..............
H/ ..............
I/ ..............
* The answers to the exercises can be found at the end of the manual.
All operations can be divided into either simple or complex operations.
Simple: (diagram 4) If you want to add 135 + 321. First form the first number on the abacus (135);
move five of the units beads to the right (blue), 3 of the tens (red) and 1 of the hundreds (green).
Then form the second number (321), move 1 blue bead to the right (units), 2 red beads (tens)
and lastly 3 green beads (hundreds). The result we're left with on the right hand side is: 6 blue
beads (units), 5 red beads (tens) and 4 green beads (hundreds), which is 456.
Complex: To add 273 + 564. Form the first number (273): 3 units beads (blue), 7 tens (red) and 2
hundreds (green). Then continue adding beads to the right to form the second number (564), 4
units beads (blue), 6 tens (red), but we already have 7, which means there are not enough. So
we need to move the 3 remaining beads to the right and, at the same time, 1 of the hundreds
beads (green) to the right. We then push all the tens beads back to the left as we have only
moved 3 of the tens beads and there are still three more to move, so we go again and move the 3
remaining tens beads to the right (red) and lastly we move 5 of the hundreds beads (green) to the
right. The result is 7 beads in units, 3 in tens and 8 in hundreds, which is 837.
Simple: Subtract 425 - 213. Starting with all the beads on the left, we form the first number on the
right (425), 5 units beads (blue), 2 tens (red) and 4 hundreds (green). To subtract the second
number (213), we start with the units; move 3 of the units beads (blue) from right to left, from the
tens, move 1 bead (red) to the left and from the hundreds, move 2 beads (green) from right to
left. The final result is: 2 beads in units (blue), 1 in tens (red) and 2 in hundreds (green) which
makes 212.
Complex: This time we're subtracting 976 - 485. As in the previous operations, we move 6 units,
7 tens and 9 hundreds to the right (976). To subtract the second number (485), we start with the
units. Take away 5 units (blue) and move them to the left, then we take away the 8 tens, but we
don't have enough beads so we need to move the 7 beads we have in the tens to the left (tens)
and at the same time, we move one of the 9 beads from the hundreds (green) to the left. Then we
push all the tens beads (red) back to the right and move 1 red bead (tens) to the left, which is the
one we still need to take away.
Lastly, we take away 4 hundreds (green) from the 8 we have (we already took one away when
subtracting the tens), so that 4 remain on the right hand side. The end result is 4 hundreds, 9
tens and 1 unit, which makes 491.
Simple: To multiply, for example 413 x 2, as with the other operations, all the beads must start off
on the left hand side. First we do the units (blue), bearing in mind that the right hand side is
empty, and we move 2 lots of 3 beads to the right. We do the same with the tens, moving 2 lots of
1 bead to the right and with the hundreds we move 2 lots of 4 beads (green) to the right. This
should give us: 6 units beads (blue), 2 tens beads (red) and 8 hundreds beads (green), which
makes 826.
Complex: If we want to multiply 74 x 2, we start by moving 2 lots of 4 units beads (blue) to the
right, then we multiply the tens and move 2 lots of 7 beads from the tens (red) but we don't have
enough so we move the first lot of 7 to the right and also the 3 remaining beads;then we move 1
of the hundreds beads (green) to the right and at the same time we move all the tens beads (red)
back to the left. As there are still four more to move, we then move 4 of the tens beads (red) to
the right. In the end we should be left with 1 hundreds bead (green), 4 tens beads (red) and 8
units beads (blue), which makes 148.
Le boulier, ou abaque, est considéré comme l'outil de calcul le plus ancien et comme l'ancêtre de
la calculatrice électronique moderne. Son origine exacte est difficile à déterminer, cependant la
majorité des historiens la situe en Asie centrale.
Le boulier a évolué de manière différente selon les régions du monde. Actuellement, il en existe
différents types : le suan-pan (boulier chinois), le soroban (boulier japonais), le stschoty (boulier
russe), etc.
Le fonctionnement du boulier est très facile à comprendre et s'avère utile pour apprendre à
calculer. Son système positionnel de comptage aide à comprendre les opérations de nombres
entiers naturels (additions, soustractions, multiplications et divisions), y compris le calcul de la
racine carrée et des puissances. Le BOULIER nous apprend à penser et à raisonner de manière
logique sur n'importe quel problème mathématique et nous aide ainsi à développer notre capacité
de penser à des solutions.
Le boulier est formé d'un cadre muni de tiges parallèles sur lesquelles coulissent 10 boules.
Représentation d'un boulier sur l'image 1.
Dizaines de milliers
Centaines de milliers
Dizaines de millions
Centaines de millions
Avant de commencer à l'utiliser, vérifiez que toutes les boules se trouvent sur la partie gauche du
Pour commencer à se familiariser à son utilisation, il est recommandé de placer différents
nombres à l'aide des boules, de voir différentes combinaisons et de calculer le nombre qui
2.A. Pour former le nombre 48, déplacez 8 boules correspondant aux unités (première rangée,
couleur bleue) sur la droite du cadre. Pour former les dizaines, déplacez 4 boules (deuxième
rangée, couleur rouge) sur la droite. Vous aurez ainsi formé le nombre 48, comme le montre
l'image 2.A.
2.B. Pour former le nombre 25 961, déplacez 1 boule correspondant aux unités (première
rangée, couleur bleue) sur la droite du cadre.Pour former les dizaines, déplacez 6 boules
(deuxième rangée, couleur rouge) sur la droite. Pour former les centaines, déplacez 9 boules
(troisième rangée, couleur verte) sur la droite. Pour former les milliers, déplacez 5 boules
(quatrième rangée, couleur jaune) et finalement, pour former les dizaines de milliers, déplacez 2
boules (cinquième rangée, couleur blanche) sur la droite. Vous aurez ainsi formé le nombre 25
961, comme sur l'image 2.B.
2.C. Pour former le nombre 312 437 650, commencez également par les unités (première
rangée, couleur bleue), mais dans ce cas, vous ne déplacerez aucune boule (0 unité) et
passerez directement aux dizaines en déplaçant 5 boules (deuxième rangée, couleur rouge) sur
la droite du cadre. Pour former les centaines (deuxième rangée, couleur verte), déplacez 6
boules sur la droite. Pour les milliers (quatrième rangée, couleur jaune), déplacez 7 boules sur la
droite. Pour les dizaines de milliers (cinquième rangée, couleur blanche), déplacez 3 boules sur
la droite. Pour les centaines de milliers (sixième rangée, couleur bleue), déplacez 4 boules sur la
gauche. Pour les millions (septième rangée, couleur rouge), déplacez 2 boules sur la droite.Pour
les dizaines de millions (huitième rangée, couleur verte), déplacez 1 seule boule sur la droite.
Finalement, pour les centaines de millions (neuvième rangée, couleur jaune), déplacez 3 boules
sur la droite. Vous aurez ainsi formé le nombre 312 437 650, comme sur l'image 2.C.
Nous proposons ci-dessous différents exercices :
* 1 : Représenter sur le boulier les nombres suivants : 46, 98, 191, 205, 539, 987, 1009, 1692,
* 2 : Écrire les nombres représentés sur l'image 3 :
A/ ..............
B/ ..............
C/ ..............
D/ ..............
E/ ..............
F/ ..............
G/ ..............
H/ ..............
I/ ..............
* Les solutions des exercices se trouvent à la fin de ce manuel.
Toutes les opérations peuvent se répartir en simples ou complexes.
Opération simple : (image 4)Nous voulons réaliser l'addition 135 + 321. Il faut d'abord placer le