Fuzion™ Frame Installation
If you are installing a Fuzion™ bathtub with accessory
frame, please refer to the Fuzion™ Frame Installation
Guide (#GL44000) before proceeding any further.
Complete the installation and assembly steps
according to the Fuzion™ Frame Installation Guide.
Fuzion™ Control Panel Installation
The following cutouts must be clear and free of any dirt
or adhesive:
- Control panel cutout in the assembled wood frame
- Control panel cutout in the assembled counter
- Control panel cutout in the bathtub
Insert the wire connector into the back of the control
panel (Figure 5).
Sparingly apply adhesive around the base of the
control panel (Figure 6).
Thread the wire through the cutout and to the control
Orient control panel in the following manner: the logo
will be on the right side of the J4 control panel when
you are sitting in the bathtub (the power button will be
on the right side of the J5 LCD control panel).
Lower the control panel into the cutout and press firmly
to embed the adhesive (Figure 7).
Connect the wire to the control box.
Please proceed to Step 3 in the Drop-In Installation
Page 12
Fuzion™ Frame
Figure 6 - Adhesive Application
Salon™ Spa Bath
Control Box Wire
(Black Wire)
Figure 5 - Control Panel
Inside of Bathtub
Figure 7 - Control Panel
Installation and Operation
Control Box Wire