Calculation Priority Levels
• This calculator performs operations according to the following priority:
1. Functions preceded by the argument (x-1, x2, n!, etc.)
2. Y
3. Multiplications using a value stored in the memory (2Y, etc.)
4. Functions followed by the argument (sin, cos, etc.)
5. Multiplications using a function (2sin30, etc.)
6. nCr, nPr
7. x,÷
8. +,-
9. =, M+, M-, =>M, DEG, RAD, GRAD, DATA, CD,
ending instructions.
• Equations in brackets have priority over any other calculation.
Initial Setup
• Mode Selection
Normal mode (NORMAL): 2ndF MODE 0
Used to perform arithmetic operations and calculations using functions.
Statistical mode with one variable (STAT x): 2ndF MODE 1
Used to perform statistical calculations that include one variable.
Statistical mode with two variables (STAT xy): 2ndF MODE 2
Used to perform statistical calculations that include two variables.
When a calculation mode is selected or the same mode is selected for a second time, any tempo-
rary memories, statistical data and last result memory will be cleared.
• Selecting the notation for the display and the number of decimal places
The calculator offers the choice of four different notations for displaying the calculation results.
When the abbreviations FIX, SCI, or ENG are displayed, the number of decimal places can be set
to any value between 0 and 9. The displayed value will be rounded off to the relevant number of
[Floating decimal point]
› [Fixed decimal point]
[TAB set to 2]
› [Scientific notation]
› [Engineering notation]
› [Floating decimal point]
• The calculator will display the result using the scientific notation if the value does not fit in the
following range:
0.000000001≤ x ≤ 9999999999
SC300_02IM0186.indd 26
ON/C 100000 ÷ 3 =
2ndF FSE
2ndF TAB 2
2ndF FSE
2ndF FSE
2ndF FSE
xy and other calculation
3.33 x10
3.33 x10
09/05/2006 10:31:46