• Selecting of the angular unit
This calculator offers the choice of three angular units:
Grad (g)
RAD (Radians)
Scientific Calculations
• Press the key sequence "2ndF MODE 0" to select the normal mode.
• Before entering any calculation, press the ON/C key to clear the display. If any of the
abbreviations FIX, SCI, or ENG is displayed, clear them from the display by entering the key
sequence 2ndF FSE.
Arithmetic Operations / Calculations using Constants
• When performing calculations involving constants, the addend becomes the constant.
Subtractions and divisions are performed exactly in the same way. In the case of multiplications,
the multiplicand becomes the constant.
• When performing calculations using constants, the latter will be identified on the display by the
letter K.
Important notes:
• Entering the end bracket ) just before the sign = or M+ is optional.
• ( 5 + +/- ) = +/- 5
• When performing calculations involving constants, the addend becomes the constant.
Subtractions and divisions are performed exactly in the same way. In the case of multiplications,
the multiplicand becomes the constant.
When performing the calculations, the constants will be identified on the display by the letter K.
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09/05/2006 10:31:47