Turn the upper ring-shaped handle ¼ turn
to left or right and draw the piston shaft
upwards. Unscrew the lower locking ring and
insert the desired shaping disc. After forming
the dough into a roll, insert it into the body of
the press from below. (The press-body should
be well filled). Screw on the locking ring again.
Press the piston shaft down until the piston
rests on the dough. Turn the ring-shaped
handle back by ¼ turn to left or right. The press
is now ready for use.
Place the press prepared for use as above on
the baking sheet and, after drawing it upwards,
press the lever down until the stop is reached.
The biscuit has now been fully formed.
For filling doughnuts, the doughnut nozzle is
needed. Fill the press. Insert the adapter disc
(shaping insert –7) in the locking ring. Screw on
the doughnut nozzle, insert it into the dough-
nut and press the handle of the handle down.
1 press of the handle = 1 filling