Step 5:
Adjust the shoulder support
Pulling up the lever (2) releases the lock, and the backrest
shoulder support is tilted forward, spring-assisted. Using
the pressure of the upper body and head you adjust the
shoulder section to the desired position and are able to
release the lever again.
Adjust the shoulder area support in such a way that it best
matches your spinal column's natural S shape and that the
shoulder area touches the backrest without feeling any
pressure. Thus you support the upper back, take the pres-
sure off the neck muscles and prevent muscle tension.
Step 6:
Adjusting the seat cushion length
Pull the handle (10) up as far as it will go, thus unlocking
the seat cushion. If you shift your weight, the seat cush-
ion can be moved backwards and forwards in six stages.
The seat cushion length should be adjusted so that the
thigh to just before the hollow of the knee can rest slightly
on the edge of the seat cushion without pressure being
exerted. A distance of between two and three finger
widths between the hollow of the knee and the seat
cushion edge acts as a rule of thumb.