3.12 Logs > Data
Click the "Logs" menu button and the "Data" submenu button
to display the Logs > Data page (Figure 3-30). Data logging
is disabled by default. You can enable data logging and save
changes by entering a logging interval between 1 and 60. When
data logging is enabled, all data fields and their current value are
logged. You can export the data log to a .CSV file by right-clicking
the "Export Data Log" link and choosing "Save Target As..." or
"Save Link As..." from the pop-up menu. Note: Only 250 data
entries at a time will be stored. The option to clear the Data Log is
also available. Simply click the "Clear Data Log" button.
3.13 Help
Click the "Help" menu button to open a PDF that contains the most recent version of the SNMPWEBCARD User's Guide.
Figure 3-30: Logs > Data Page