2. Specifications
Length of arm:
Weight incl. carry case but excl. accessories:
Weight excl. carry case and accessories:
Dimensions of carry case:
Capacity of reservoir:
Height of infusion stand:
Arm and hand
Veins and artery
Indicator and other tubes
Storage bag/training underlay
Infusion stand
Red dye concentrate consists of:
760 ml
(0,76 l)
116 ml
(0,116 l)
0,3 ml
(0,0003 l)
3 ml
(0,003 l)
120,7 ml
During transportation by airplane the fluid inside the I.V. Trainer must be
drained off.
It is very important that only distilled water is used when filling the arm and when
simulating infusion and injection, otherwise the tubes simulating veins and arteries
become sticky and the material will decompose.
During storage between training sessions the I.V. Trainer must be covered or placed
in the carrying case.
The tubes simulating veins and arteries and the skin are made of natural latex. The
arm must therefore not be exposed to sunlight or other U.V. (ultra-violet) rays as the
material will become sticky and decompose.
68 cm
3.0 kg
1.5 kg
L 75 x W 15 x H 11 cm
Approx. 260 ml
69 cm
Natural latex
PVC, hard
Natural latex
Silicone rubber
Nylon reinforced PVC
Stainless steel
sugarfree fruit colouring
surface active agent
silicone oil