L-2 conVersIon KIt User InstrUctIons
InfectIon controL ProcedUres
• Conversion Kits are not sterile upon receipt and must be sterilized prior to use in accordance with
the following instructions.
LIMItatIons on ProcessIng
• Do not use chemical disinfectants prior to sterilization or rapid deterioration of the material may
• Cold liquid disinfection/sterilization, chemical vapor sterilization, and dry heat sterilization methods
have not been tested or validated for efficacy and are not recommended for use. Use may void
Point of use:
Remove excess soil with disposable cloth or paper.
containment and transportation:
Protect conversion kit components from damage. Components should be reprocessed as soon as is
reasonably practical following use. Components left standing wet may stain or corrode.
Preparation for decontamination:
Remove excess debris from the components using a disposable cloth or paper. Discard cloth/paper after
use. Disassemble the conversion kit from the air/water syringe. Remove the plastic cone and
adapter o-ring.
1. With thumb nut loosened, insert new Sani-Tip
push into adapter as far as possible. While still pushing inward,
twist tip 1/2 turn clockwise to create a watertight seal over internal
tapered water spindle.
2. Hand tighten thumb nut. To redirect tip, push in on tip while
rotating clockwise.
test PrIor to eacH Use: Express water, then express air only.
If air contains moisture, or tip dislodges, refer to Troubleshooting
3. To replace tip, loosen thumb nut. Remove and discard used tip.
Repeat steps 1 and 2.
disposable tip and