Making calls
From the guard unit it is possible to generate calls to the apartments (except in OFF
mode) and to contact with the outdoor panels (except in OFF and NIGHT mode).
The display shows information related to the calls (similar to the received ones).
Call to an apartment
* Pick up the handset and dial the number of
the apartment to be called.
* Press the "BELL" key.
* In the SECTION D of the display are shown the data of the call.
Example: communication between the guard and apartment nº 127.
Communicate with an outdoor panel and/or release the lock
It is also possible to communicate with a visitor in front of the outdoor panel even if
there has not been any previous call. This is useful, for example, in case the guard
sees someone who does not know where to call, or let him in by releasing the lock.
To do it:
* Press the key corresponding with the panel you want to contact to. The
indicator attached to it will light-on.
A conversation with the visitor can be established by picking-up the
* In the SECTION D of the display is shown
the activation state of the panel. Example:
guard communicated with panel nº 2
* In order to release the lock just press the "KEY" button.
To release the lock without talking to the visitor, just repeat the steps mentioned
above without picking-up the handset.
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