Consult with an apartment
If the guard has intercepted a call from panel to apartment, he can consult or inform
about it to the tenant. To do so:
* Press the key to communicate with the
apartment. A call is generated
automatically to the intercepted
telephone, allowing to set "guard-apartment" communication.
* In the SECTION D of the display are shown the data of that call.
Example: the guard is communicated with apartment 135.
* To recover again the conversation with the
outdoor panel, press the corresponding
"panel-guard" button.
* To make a call to another apartment different from the one intercepted:
1. Press "B" to cancel the communication in progress.
2. Dial the apartment number followed by the "bell" key.
From now on, all the rest of the functions work as explained before.
* It is possible to switch from "apartment-guard" communication to "panel-guard" as
many times as wanted, just by pressing the corresponding key.
* It is possible to transfer the call to the apartment. See next section.
Transfer the call to an apartment
To transfer the call intercepted to the apartment:
* Press the "apartment-panel" communica-
tion key corresponding with the panel where
the call was generated from and hang up
the handset. The call will ring in the corresponding apartment and the
"guard-panel" comunication will be cut-off, even though the display will
hold the message of communicaion between apartment and panel until
it finishes.
If the "B" key is pressed (cancel) during a conversation between apartment and panel,
th call in progress will be cut-off and the system will stand ready to generate or receive
a new call that, for instance, had higher priority.
* In order to transfer a call to an apartment different from the one intercepted:
1. Press "B" to cancel the active communication.
2. Dial the apartment number followed by the "bell" key.
From here on, the rest of the functions are as explained before.
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