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44-in Scanner
Assembly Instructions
Instructions d'assemblage
Anleitung zum
Istruzioni per 'installazione
Instrucciones de montaje
Instruções de montagem
© Copyright 2015-2020 HP Development Company, L.P.
Camí de Can Graells 1-21 · 08174
Sant Cugat del Vallès
Barcelona · Spain
All rights reserved
Printed in xxx
Read these instructions carefully...
What you will need for this procedure
• Because the scanner is heavy, you may need two people to unpack it. When more than one person is needed,
the symbol at the foot of this box is displayed*.
During the stand assembly you will see some reference to the following symbol labels which appear on some
items, standing for left side, and right side.
L - Left side, R - Right side
The HP Designjet SD Pro Scanner -MFP is available in selected countries only. Please contact HP to check avail-
ability in your country.
Lisez attentivement les instructions suivantes...
Conditions requises pour cette procédure
• Parce que le scanner est lourd, deux personnes sont requises pour le déballer. Lorsqu'au moins deux person-
nes sont requises, le symbole ci-dessous est affiché.
Lors de l'assemblage du support, les symboles ci-dessous peuvent être affichés pour certains éléments, indi-
quant le côté gauche et le côté droit.
L - Côté gauche, R - Côté droit
L'imprimante HP Designjet HD Pro Scanner - MFP n'est disponible que dans certains pays. Veuillez contacter HP
pour vérifier sadisponibilité dans votre pays.
Lesen Sie diese Anleitung sorgfältig durch...
• Der Scanner ist sehr schwer, daher werden zum Auspacken zwei Personen benötigt. Wenn mehr als eine Person
erforderlich ist, wird das unten in diesem Kasten abgebildete Symbol angezeigt.
In der Anleitung zum Zusammenbau der Sockelbaugruppe wird auf folgende Symbole verwiesen, die auf man-
chen Komponenten angebracht sind. Diese stehen für die linke und die rechte Seite.
L - Linke Seite, R - Rechte Seite
Der HP Designjet HD Pro Scanner - MFP ist nur in ausgewählten Ländern verfügbar. Bitte nehmen Sie mit HP
Kontakt auf, um Informationen zur Verfügbarkeit in Ihrem Land zu erhalten.
Leggere queste istruzioni attentamente...
Cosa è necessario per questa procedura
• Lo scanner è pesante, pertanto potrebbero essere necessarie due persone per disimballarlo.
Se occorre più di una persona, appare il simbolo riportato alla base di questo riquadro.
Durante l'assemblaggio del piedistallo, si troveranno alcuni riferimenti alle seguenti etichette che appaiono su
alcuni componenti, a indicare il lato sinistro e il lato destro.
L - Lato sinistro, R - Lato destro
La stampante HP Designjet HD Pro Scanner - MFP è disponibile solo in determinati Paesi/regioni. Contattare HP
per informazioni sulla disponibilità nel proprio Paese/regione.Lea atentamente estas instrucciones...
Lea atentamente estas instrucciones...
Qué necesitará durante el proceso de instalación
• Debido al elevado peso del escáner, es posible que se necesiten dos personas para desembalarlo.
Cuando se requiere la intervención de más de una persona, se muestra el símbolo en la parte inferior de la caja.
Durante el montaje del soporte, verá referencias a las siguientes etiquetas de símbolos, que aparecen en algu-
nos elementos, y que indican el lado izquierdo y el derecho.
L - Lado izquierdo, R - Lado derecho
La impresora HP Designjet HD Pro Scanner - MFP solamente está disponible en determinados países/regiones.
Póngase en contacto con HP para comprobar la disponibilidad en su país/región.
Leia estas instruções com atenção...
O que será necessário para este procedimento
• Como o scanner é pesado, podem ser necessárias duas pessoas para retirá-lo da embalagem.
Quando mais de uma pessoa for necessária, haverá um símbolo na parte inferior da caixa.
Durante a montagem da base, você verá algumas referências a este símbolo que aparecem á direita e esquerda
de alguns itens.
L - Lado esquerdo, R - Lado direito
A impressora HP Designjet HD Pro Scanner - MFP está disponível somente em países
selecionados. Entre em contato com a HP para verificar a disponibilidade em seu país.
In case you have an stand alone scanner, you can skip this step. If
this scanner is part of the HP Designjet SD Pro MFP, your printer
should already be assembled, working and connected to the
network before starting this procedure. For instructions on how
to assemble the printer, please refer to the assembly poster
included with the printer.
Si vous disposez d'un scanner autonome, vous pouvez ignorer
cette étape. Si ce scanner fait partie de l'imprimante HP Designjet
HD Pro MFP, celle-ci doit être assemblée, en état de marche et
connectée au réseau avant de débuter cette procédure. Pour
toute instruction sur l'assemblage de l'imprimante, reportez-vous
au poster d'assemblage que vous trouverez avec celle-ci.
Wenn Sie einen Standalone-Scanner haben, können Sie diesen
Schritt überspringen. Wenn dieser Scanner Teil des HP Designjet
HD Pro MFP ist, sollte Ihr Drucker installiert, betriebsbereit und
an das Netzwerk angeschlossen sein, bevor Sie diesen Vorgang
starten. Die entsprechenden Informationen können Sie dem
Installations-poster entnehmen,das dem Drucker beiliegt.
Se si dispone di uno scanner indipendente, è possibile ignorare
questo passaggio. Se lo scanner è incluso nel prodotto multifun-
zione HP Designjet HD Pro, prima di avviare questa procedura è
necessario che la stampante sia già assemblata, funzionante e
collegata alla rete. Per istruzioni su come assemblare la stam-
pante, fare riferimento al poster relativo all'assemblaggio fornito
con la stampante.
Puede omitir este paso si tiene un escáner independiente. Si este
escáner forma parte de HP Designjet HD Pro MFP, la impresora
debería estar montada, funcionando y conectada a la red antes
de iniciar este procedimiento. Para obtener instrucciones sobre
cómo montar la impresora, consulte el póster de montaje que se
incluye con la impresora.
Caso tenha um scanner independente, poderá ignorar esta etapa.
Se o scanner fizer parte da HP Designjet HD Pro MFP, sua impres-
sora já deverá estar montada, operacional e conectada à rede
antes de iniciar este procedimento. Para obter instruções sobre
como montar a impressora, consulte o pôster de montagem
fornecido com a impressora.
The panel PC assembly can be mounted
on either the right or the left side of the
L'assemblage de l'écran tactile du PC du
panneau peut être monté sur le côté droit
ou gauche du socle.
Der Touchscreen der PC-Konsoleneinheit kann auf der linken oder
rechten Seite des Sockels angebracht werden.
Il gruppo schermo tattile del PC a pannello può essere montato sul
lato destro o sinistro del piedistallo.
El ensamblaje de la pantalla táctil del PC del panel se puede montar
en el lado derecho o izquierdo de la base.
A tela de toque do PC do painel pode ser montada do
ou esquerdo do suporte.
lado direito



Resumen de contenidos para HP SD Pro 44-in

  • Página 1 L - Left side, R - Right side Si vous disposez d’un scanner autonome, vous pouvez ignorer The HP Designjet SD Pro Scanner -MFP is available in selected countries only. Please contact HP to check avail- cette étape. Si ce scanner fait partie de l’imprimante HP Designjet ability in your country.
  • Página 2 Assembly kit contents Box contents Description Quantity supplied Maintenance sheetr Screw M5 x 16 (Torx T25) for stand feet Scanner Paper guides Screw M5 x 8 (Torx T25) for stand Return guides Microfiber cloth Special screw for scanner (Torx T20) Documentation CD/DVD Ethernet cable (3 m) Plastic washer...
  • Página 3 Contenido del kit de montaje Contenuto del kit di montaggio Contenuto della scatola Contenido de la caja Descripción Cantidad Descrizione Quantità Tornillo M5 x 16 (Torx T25) para los pies Viti M5 x 16 (Torx T25) per i piedi del Hoja de mantenimiento Foglio di manutenzione de la base...
  • Página 4 Fix the foot to the leg with 4 screws. Fix the other foot to the other leg with 4 screws. Make sure the wheels are locked. Attach the bottom cross bar to the legs using 4 screws. Make sure the holes for the cable clips are located at the back when the crossbar is mounted.
  • Página 5 M5×8 x 2 Attach the top cross bar to the legs using 4 screws. Slot the supports into the legs, and fix at the desired height At this point you must decide on which side you are going to fit the touch screen assembly. This can be fitted on the left or right Make sure the holes for the cable clips are located at the with 2 screws in each leg.
  • Página 6 If you need to adjust the height to adopt the highest Lift the scanner into place locating the rubber feet in the Now you need to decide the height adjustment position. Different heights are possible. The arm support bracket (item 18) is stand position, then you need to use two arm support holes indicated.
  • Página 7 M5×20 x 4 M4×10 x 4 M5×8 x 2 Insert the panel PC arm into the support bracket and Fix with the four special screws. With the protective foam in place, put the panel PC face Insert the DC adaptor cable and Ethernet cables into the secure using two screws.
  • Página 8 (not included in the maintenance kit). Caution: Important: If this scanner is part of the HP Designjet SD/HD monitor arm is fitted. do not use abrasives, acetone, benzene, or fluids that contain Pro MFP, your printer should already be assembled, working these chemicals.
  • Página 9 From the front of the scanner, press down the lid while Lift the lid towards you to open it completely. Clean the glass with a lint-free cloth and a mild, streak- Dry the glass fully using a separate clean, dry lint-free cloth like the one provided with the pushing the two lever buttons on the rear of the lid free, glass cleaner.
  • Página 10 Clean the upper precision rollers with a lint-free cloth and Clean the white pressure rollers with a lint-free cloth and a Clean the transport rollers and surrounding area. Dry the white background plate, rollers, and surrounding a mild, streak-free, glass cleaner. mild, streak-free, glass cleaner.
  • Página 11 Insert one end of the y-cable into the DC adapter (under Close the scanner cover and push down on the top to lock Fit the cables into the clips. Then attach Insert the network cables into the panel PC and insert the the clips to the stand.
  • Página 12 Switch on the scanner power switch at the rear. Connect the power cord to the y-connector, and into a Press the power button below the screen of the panel You are now required to calibrate the scanner. For this you will need the scanner maintenance sheet, found in power outlet.
  • Página 13 Now follow the instructions that appear on the touch Note: When switching on the panel PC touch screen a To start the maintenance procedure: The maintenance wizard will ask you to insert the mainte- screen. When the maintenance procedure has completed, ‘Please make sure the scanner is connected and turned a) On the touch screen, press the Setup tab.
  • Página 14 Next, you should check the TCP/IP settings in your touch To add an HP Designjet printer to the printer list in your screen, and correct them if necessary. If you intend to scan scanner software, follow these steps: to the network, with the HP Designjet scan software, files 1: On the touch screen go to the setup tab.
  • Página 15 Keep these instructions In order to perform routine maintenance (once a month) you will find it useful to refer again to the following sections: • Cleaning the scan area • Alignment and calibration Conservez ces instructions Pour pouvoir exécuter une maintenance de routine (une fois par mois), il peut vous être utile de vous reporter à nouveau aux sections suivantes : •...
  • Página 16 © Copyright 2015-2020 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.