Wall facing inlet and outlet side
• Wall facing outlet side is higher than unit
1. Open top installation
• Wall facing outlet side is lower than unit
1. Open top installation
Two units or more installation
Open top installation
1. Wall facing three side
Closed top installation
1. Wall facing outlet side
Wall facing inlet and outlet side
• Wall facing outlet side is higher than unit
1. Open top installation
2. Closed top installation*
2. Closed top installation*
2. Wall facing outlet side
2. Wall facing three side
2. Closed top installation*
L ≤ 0.5H
L ≤ H
0.5H < L ≤ H
Use a stand to meet L ≤ H.
L > H
Required dimension A is same as
L ≤ H.
L ≤ 0.5H
L ≤ H
0.5H < L ≤ H
Use a stand to meet L ≤ H or keep
70" or more clearance to front wall.
If using stand, required dimension
L > H
A is same as L ≤ H.
If not using stand, dimention A is
8" minimum.
L ≤ 0.5H
L ≤ H
0.5H < L ≤ H
Use a stand to meet L ≤ H.
L > H
Required dimension A is same as
L ≤ H.
* Maximum two units are allowed to install.
unit: inch
30" Minimum
40" Minimum
4" Minimum
8" Minimum
40" Minimum
50" Minimum