5. Technical specification
Headlight dimensions: Height: 55 mm | Length: 46 mm | Width: 54 mm | 120 g
Brightness: 150 Lux
Preconditon: Alternating current (dynamo operation)
Please contact your bicycle specialist if you require special e-bike headlights for DC voltage
from 6 to 42 V.
6. Assembly
6.1. General information
Make sure your headlight is not covered under any circumstances. Take care that the headlight has
been mounted and aligned as prescribed. For headlights with a separate reflector, make sure that the
make sure that the reflector
In Germany, the prescribed mounting height for headlights
400 and 1,200 mm. For details, consult your national Road Traffic Regulations or contact a local bicycle
specialist retailer. Always make sure the headlight is mounted and aligned in a way to ensure that
oncoming traffic is not blinded.
is aligned perpendicular to the road surface.
and reflectors
ranges between about