ST400 & ST400M Portable Meter
measurement of conductivity. Press ▲ ▼button can switch between conductivity, TDS, salinity
and resistivity.
Note: to ensure accurate measurement of ST400M, please use a conductivity electrode with a
built-in temperature probe.
Two-parameter measurement*
This section only applies to ST400M.
ST400M can display pH (or mV) and conductivity (or Salinity, TDS, Resitivity) at the same time.
to switch between pH, conductivity and two-parameter mode.
Using the memory
Storing a reading
The ST400M can store up to 1000 results (pH and conductivity add together).
Press button-
one result has been stored.
If you press button-
To store further data you will have to clear the memory.
Review from memory
Press and hold the button
management", you can review all or partial data according to instruction.
Clearing the memory
Press and hold the button
management", you can delete all or partial data according to instruction.
Export the stored data
The meter can connect the computer through the Micro-USB cable and export the storage result
directly. Do not measure when connecting to the computer!
The steps are as follows:
Connection meter and computer
Confirm that the software (Scalemate) has been installed on the computer.
when the measurement reaches its final reading, M001 indicates that
when M1000 is displayed, FUL displays to indicate the memory is full.
to enter setup mode, press button-▲ or button-▼ to select "data
to enter setup mode, press button-▲ or button-▼ to select "data