General information
Intended use
The drill and reamer GA672, combined with the rele-
vant attachment and tool, is used for processing hard
tissue, cartilage and the like, as well as bone replace-
ment material, to screw bone pins in and out and to set
transfixion wires.
Application Environment
The product fulfills the requirements for type BF pursu-
ant to IEC/DIN EN 60601-1 and is used in operating
rooms in sterile environments of explosion risk areas
(such as areas with pure oxygen or anesthesia gases).
Main functions and design charac-
min. 0 min
Right and left rotation
Operation with non-periodic load
and speed changes (type S9 pursu-
ant to IEC EN 60034-1)
Drilling (clockwise/counterclock-
wise rotation):
60 second application,
60 second pause
20 repetitions
30 min cooling time
Reaming (clockwise/counterclock-
wise rotation):
30 second application,
30 second pause
8 repetitions
30 min cooling time
Saw mode with GB660R:
30 second application,
60 second pause
3 repetitions
30 min cooling time
to max. 26 000 min
Electrical systems generally heat up during continual
operation. It is advised to give the system a break after
use to cool down, as listed in the table on operating
Heating depends on the tool used and the load. After a
certain number of repetitions, the system should cool
down. This procedure prevents the system overheating
as well as possible injury to the patient or user.
The user is responsible for the use and adherence to the
pause sequence described.
The type and area of application depend on the tool
Absolute contraindications
The product is not licensed for use on the central ner-
vous system or central circulatory system.
Relative contraindications
The safe and effective use of the product greatly
depends on influences which can only be controlled by
the user. Therefore the specifications provided repre-
sent framework conditions only.
Clinically successful use of the product is dependent on
the knowledge and experience of the surgeon. The sur-
geon must decide which structures it is sensible to
treat and take into account the safety and warning
information contained in these instructions for use.