The HOZELOCK BOKASHI composter is a kitchen
composter that allows you to reduce your kitchen
waste with no unpleasant odour, with the benefit
of creating a liquid plant food. At the end of the
process the remaining digestate breaks down
rapidly into traditional compost or can be added
to garden soil. The Bokashi bran activator (350
g) allows the fermentation process and contains
friendly, effective microorganisms, for anaerobic
(airless) fermentation.
Preferably a shaded area if being used on a
balcony, not direct sunlight if possible. We advise
against using the Bokashi outside under 15°C as
the fermentation process will not activate as it
should. We recommend keeping the bucket at
room temperature.
Compostable waste: Nearly all biological waste
can be disposed in the HOZELOCK BOKASHI
This includes: raw and cooked fruit and vegetables,
citrus and banana peel, prepared food, both
cooked and raw fish and meat including small
bones, cheese, yoghurt, eggs, bread, coffee and
tea grounds, wilted flowers, etc. We recommend
reducing larger chunks of waste to smaller ones to
make the fermentation process more effective.
Waste to avoid: Liquids (vinegar, fruit juice, milk,
oil, water, gravy, meat juices), large bones, animal
excrement, paper, metal, plastic, cardboard, glass,
ashes, medications or chemicals, diseased plants.
Figures 1 to 17
1. Pull the tap out to the fully extended position
and then retract the tap to the closed position,
until the prong under the telescopic tap is blocked.
Then ensure the tap valve is closed by rotating the
tap counter-clockwise.
2. Open the Bokashi via the latch on the lid.
3. Find the paddle location within the lid. Remove
the paddle and measuring cup from the lid by
twisting the paddle out of location.
4. To remove the measuring cup pull it out of
location from the paddle.
5. To start filling the Bokashi, first scatter 2 x 20ml
Bran scoops onto the strainer using the measuring
cup by filling to the BRAN marker twice.
6. Ensure all the waste is cut as small as possible.
7. Put suitable waste into the Bokashi bucket.
8. Using the paddle, remove all the air pockets.
9. Scatter 20ml Bran onto the food waste.
10. Ensure the lid is closed and only opened when
disposing of waste. Repeat steps 6-10 until full.
11. Collect leachate every 3-5 days, this should be
diluted after collecting. Rotate the tap to open and
close the valve. Collecting more than 50 ml at once
(measuring cup supplied) of leachate, may require
you to open the lid to release the vacuum blocking
the flow.
12. The final layer of Bran needs to be doubled
(2 x 20ml).
13. Ensure the measuring cup is left on top of the
Bokashi lid and do not open the lid for two weeks.
14. Keep collecting leachate every 3-5 days during
those two weeks.
15. After two weeks, remove the lid to prepare for
disposal. The waste will not change in appearance;
however, it is chemically changed.
16. Either bury the waste mass into the ground,
bury the waste mass in the ground. Or place in your
outdoor composter, in order to enrich your own
17. Click the lid back into position on the Bokashi
1. Fermentation liquid/ Leachate
Fermentation is a natural process of decomposition
of biological waste by means of microorganisms.
Waste decomposes rather than rots; therefore,
it retains its vitamins and minerals. The Bokashi
bran, when added to the composter every day,
will aid the decomposition of the waste, as well
as some pesticides and harmful substances into
environmentally friendly matter.
When used for the first time, fermentation liquid will
form after 14 days.
CAUTION! Depending on the waste, the air still
present in the composter, the degree of hydration
etc. the liquid fertiliser may take longer to be
extracted (up to 1 month if waste too dry).
Several utilisations
• Diluted fermentation liquid:
Use it as a fertiliser for house plants and garden:
- 1:100 (10ml of liquid per 1l of water) for watering
plants once a week or less
- 1:200 (10ml of liquid per 2l of water) for frequent
daily watering of plants (several times a week)
• Undiluted fermentation liquid:
Use undiluted liquid to sanitise and remove odours
from drains and septic tanks.
2. Compost digestate
The resulting compost is called "digestate". The
waste will not change in appearance; however, it is
chemically changed. The digestate content is rich in
essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals and will
3-5 weeks after being disposed of. The content is
ready when it smells of vinegar. This transformation
is called methane fermentation or anaerobic
digestion: which is the decomposition of organic
matter thanks to bacteria that act in the absence
of air. The mixture of fermented biological waste is
a first-grade base for compost which can be used to
fertilise edible plants. (Do not place the digestate
directly on plants or plant roots.).
WARNING! Waste mixture in the Bokashi bucket,
the Bokashi bran and the fermentation liquid should
never be ingested!
Bran is a mixture of bran and molasses, enriched