HD3X-5000-INST (2022-08-18).indd 8
HD3X-5000-INST (2022-08-18).indd 8
Install the drive sub-assembly to the
carriage using the 3/8" bolts removed
previously. The sprockets should be
facing inside.
Install the chain (16) around the
sprockets (37, 38) as shown in the photo.
If needed, the chain can be
lubricated with a clean rag
sprayed with WD-40. Do not
use other lubricants.
Install the other end of the chain
assembly to the rear chain bracket and
adjust the tension of the chain with the
3/8 nuts so the carriage can move back
and forth freely.
2022-08-18 12:21:10 PM
2022-08-18 12:21:10 PM