14. Enter the following values in the empty fields: IP
Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and DNS
(e.g.: then press "Continue".
15. Specify the video quality for displaying the video
image on the app. The LOW video quality guarantees
operation with any type of Internet connection.
Only if you are more than certain of a high upload
connection speed, select MEDIUM or HIGH.
16. Press "Continue" to configure the Wi-Fi connected
video doorbell parameters.
Name tags displayed on the video
Name tag
doorbell (Two lines, max. 16
characters per line).
Adjusts the speaker volume.
Defines the language used by the
device for visual alerts and voice
If enabled, visual alerts and voice
DDA function
feedback of system status are
If enabled, when the bell button on
the video doorbell is pressed, an
CIP function
acknowledgement tone will sound to
start the call.
17. Define the functions on the relays when the bell
button on the video doorbell is pressed.