Towing Loads
Towing improperly can alter vehicle handling and may cause loss of control or brake instability.
Always follow these precautions when towing:
1. Never load more than 110 lbs. (50 kg) tongue weight on the towing bracket.
2. Do not operate the vehicle faster than 10 MPH (16 km/h) when towing. Towing a trailer increases
braking distance.
3. Do not tow more than the recommended weight for the vehicle. See the towing capacity chart
below and the specifications charts.
4. Attach a trailer to the trailer hitch bracket only. Do not attach a trailer to any other location or you
may lose control of the vehicle.
5. Never tow a trailer on a grade steeper than 15°.
Total Towed Load
Weight (Level Ground)
1250 lbs.(567 kg)
Towing the Vehicle
NOTE: When towing the vehicle, the key MUST be in the OFF position or severe motor damage will
Follow these procedures when towing the vehicle:
1. Turn the key off.
2. Always follow these precautions when towing this vehicle:
• Do not operate faster than 10 MPH (16 km/h).
• Do not tow on public streets.
• Do not allow passengers in the towed vehicle.
• Avoid abrupt starts and stops.
• Avoid sharp turns and abrupt steering maneuvers.
• Avoid towing on a hill.
Total Towed Load
Weight (15° grade)
Total Hitch Vertical
110 lbs.(50 kg)
Maximum Towing
10 MPH(16 kph)