5. Once the holes are marked,
use a hammer or Phillips
head screwdriver to set the 2
drywall anchors into the
holes. Use a screwdriver to
insert the drywall anchors
completely into the wall.
Screw the two mounting
screws into the anchors.
Adjust the screw head depth
such that the screw heads
protrude 1/8" (3.2 mm) from
the wall.
Warning: Extending the
screw heads beyond 1/8"
(3.2 mm) can damage the
display assembly.
6. Position the display assembly
mounting holes onto the
mounting screws, and
carefully pull down on the
display assembly to secure.
7. Connect the cable to the RJ
jack in the bottom of the
display assembly. If using the
scale on battery power the
scale is now ready for use. If
using the scale with the
optional AC adapter see page
10 for set up intructions.
UM349KLX REV20191007
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