No fastener driven: The fas-
tening tool fired, but no fas-
tener was driven
Fastening tool cannot be fired
The piston jams in the fasten-
er guide
The fastener guide in the
magazine jams
Possible cause
Incorrect piston position in the
magazine-type fastening tool (pis-
ton not in initial position when firing
Piston bounce because driving
energy is too high.
Fastening tool was not pressed
fully against the working surface.
The magazine is not loaded.
Plastic fragments in the magazine.
Incorrect piston position in the
magazine-type fastening tool (pis-
ton not in initial position when firing
Nails in the magazine are not cor-
rectly positioned.
Fastener guide is not correctly en-
Piston bounce because driving
energy is too high.
The piston and/or buffer are dam-
Plastic fragments in the magazine.
Too much driving energy
Piston bent because tool fired
without fastener
The magazine is damaged.
Action to be taken
▶ Remove the cartridge strip and
service the tool.
▶ Check piston and buffer.
▶ Turn the selector ring for driving
energy to reduce driving energy.
▶ Press the fastening tool fully
against the working surface.
▶ Load the magazine.
▶ Open the magazine, remove the
nail strip and plastic fragments.
▶ Remove the cartridge strip and
service the tool.
▶ Check piston and buffer.
▶ Reload the fastening tool.
▶ Turn the fastener guide or the
magazine until it engages with
an audible click.
▶ Turn the selector ring for driving
energy to reduce driving energy.
▶ Unscrew the magazine, check
the piston and buffer and
replace if necessary.
▶ Open the magazine, remove the
nail strip and plastic fragments.
▶ Turn the selector ring for driving
energy to reduce driving energy.
▶ Avoid firing the tool without a
fastener loaded.
▶ Check the straightness of the
piston; replace if necessary.
▶ Replace the magazine.