Keypad (HMI) and Basic Programming
The value of the PID feedback can be presented via analog output AO1 or AO2. It is necessary
to set P0251 (AO1) or P0254 (AO2) to 18 = Function 2 of the Application. The full scale value of
the variable is 100.0 % and corresponds to 10 V or 20 mA.
The Manual/Auto control is done by a digital input (DI1 to DI8). It is necessary to set one of the
DI parameters (P0263 to P0270) to 20 = Function 1 of the Application. If more than one digital
input is set for this function, the logic operation will consider only the command of the high
priority level digital input, where: DI1>DI2>DI3>DI4>DI5>DI6>DI7> DI8. If any of the digital inputs
is set, the PID controller will work only in automatic (Auto) mode.
The Manual/Auto input is active when it is in 24 V indicating automatic control and it is inactive
in 0 V indicating manual operation.
The digital outputs (DO1 to DO5) can be programmed to trigger comparison logics with the
process variable (PV). In order to do that, it is necessary to set one of the DO's parameters
(P0275 to P0279) to 34 = Function 1 of the Application (VP>VPx) or 35 = Function 2 of the
Application (VP<VPy).
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