Why wear an activity sensor?
Exercise is a prerequisite for leading a healthy life. Physical activity keeps you fit
and lowers the risk of heart disease and circulation problems. Exercising helps
you to lose weight and you will notice that your well-being improves. Physical ac-
tivity covers all exercises that use up energy. As a result, daily activities such as
walking, cycling, climbing the stairs and household chores play an important part.
The AS 97 activity sensor enables you to objectively assess and record your daily
motion activity. In this way, it can also motivate you to increase your daily exercise.
The activity sensor also has a sensor for measuring your heart rate. This allows you
to measure your heart rate in real time on your wrist.
With the free "beurer HealthManager" app, you can easily transfer your motion acti-
vity from the activity sensor to your smartphone. This means that you can easily get
a clear view of your recordings on your smartphone at any time. You can view the
heart rate records via live tracking (only possible using the app), for example using
the Runtastic app or similar sports apps. You can also be notified of messages (e.g.
text message or WhatsApp) or calls received, all with the convenience of a device
worn on the wrist. As a result, you see key information at a glance and keep up to
date with all your notifications.