onsists in
lean the stove internall and e ternall
arefull clean the heat e change tubes
arefull clean and remove dirt from the combustion chamber and the relative compartment
lean fans, verif mechanical and clamp loosening
lean smoke channel (replace seals on smoke e haust pipe)
lean smoke duct (see weekl cleaning)
lean smoke e traction fan compartment.
lean smoke ow sensor.
lean smoke check thermocouple.
lean, inspect and scrape an residue from the ignition resistance compartment and if necessar , replace it
lean check the S noptic anel
isuall inspect the electrical wires, connections and power cable
lean the pellet hopper and check loosening of the feed screw - gear motor assembl
Replace the door seal
Functionalit test load the feed screw, ignite, let it run for
minutes and shutdown
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