Instructions for use and maintenance SATA air star C
Warning: The eprotective effect is only assured under the following circumstances:
1. Standard version
Pressure indication is within the green area. The pressure reading should always be
checked possibly to raise the operating pressure whenever commencing work with the
air-supplied half mask respirator, but particularly when a spray gun is simultaneously
2. Alternative version
The minimum operating pressure at the compressed-air filter (B) amounts to 4 bar
(adjust the operating pressure accordingly should this prove to be necessary).
Maintenance work may only be carried out by trained skilled personnel.
7. Maintenance
7.1 Cleaning and disinfection
The mask can be easily dismantled without tools for cleaning purposes or to replace defecti-
ve parts. If spare parts are required, only use original spare parts from SATA. The half mask
must be thoroughly cleaned after each use to remove interior perspiration and condensation.
After each cleaning we recommend checking the breathing apparatus function (see chapter
5.2 Functional Check)..Cleaning should be accomplished after six months at the latest, even
if the mask has not been used. Use the half mask respiratory protection cleaner, Art. No.
134965 for correct disinfecting.
The half mask must be disinfected at regular intervals (weekly intervals whet it is used every
day, and every six months for masks that are not air-tight packed). If the same half mask is
being used by several people, then it must be disinfected each time the wearer changes. In
such instances, it would be more appropriate to ensure that each person has his or her own
air-supplied half mask respirator. We recommend "Incidur" disinfectant made by Henkel.
8. Storage and service life
New originally packed masks must be stored under optimum conditions at room temperature
and in well ventilated rooms. Storage temperature: -10° C to 55° C at < 90% rel. air humidity.
The masks can be stored for six years under the aforementioned conditions in their original
packaging (polyethylene bag and box). Extreme temperatures may affect the service life of
the masks.
Do not store the masks in Combi-Cubicles. Masks in use must be stored in special storage
cabinets or other suitable containers in order to protect them from dust and vapours. Masks
may only be stored when they are completely dry. They may not be exposed to direct sun-
light and must be kept away from heat sources. Never immerse masks in solvents.