master valve (MV)
An electrically operated valve located on a system's main line that controls the flow of water to all other electric
and manual valves downstream of it.
master valve circuit
An electrical circuit located on many controllers used to control a master valve. If the master valve circuit is not
programmable, regardless of what station is on at the controller, the master valve circuit produces voltage to
control the master valve. When all of the stations on the controller are off, the master valve circuit turns off. If,
however, the master valve circuit is programmable, then it can be set to operate only when certain stations are
Interface Board (MIB). Allows for satellite controller operation. The MIB is preinstalled in ESP-SAT
controllers, but can also be installed in ESP-MC controllers to add satellite capability.
To observe conditions in and around the irrigation system and send the information to the different components
in the system for appropriate action.
A single station or group of stations operating with the same scheduling parameters. All stations in a given
program operate the same day cycle, start times and water budget.
A controller in the field capable of communicating with the Cluster Control Unit (CCU).
satellite controller
Same as satellite.
sensor system
An optional addition to the controller that disables watering. An example is the Rain Bird Rain Check.
A single, remote irrigated area controlled by a CCU. For example, one park is a site in a city-wide park system.