SCPI-Based Errors
"Trigger error"
"Trigger ignored"
"Arm ignored"
"Init ignored"
"Trigger deadlock"
"Arm deadlock"
"Parameter error"
"Settings conflict"
Probable Cause
Indicates that a GET, *TRG, or triggering signal was
received and recognized by the device but was
ignored because of device timing considerations;
for example, the device was not ready to respond.
Note: a DT0 device always ignores GET and treats
*TRG as a Command Error.
Indicates that an arming signal was received and
recognized by the device but was ignored.
Indicates that a request for a measurement
initiation was ignored as another measurement
was already in progress.
Indicates that the trigger source for the initiation of
a measurement is set to GET and subsequent
measurement query is received. The
measurement cannot be started until a GET is
received, but the GET would cause an
Indicates that the arm source for the initiation of a
measurement is set to GET and subsequent
measurement query is received. The
measurement cannot be started until a GET is
received, but the GET would cause an
Indicates that a program data element related error
occurred. This error message should be used
when the device cannot detect the more specific
errors described for errors –221 through –229.
Indicates that a legal program data element was
parsed but could not be executed due to the
current device state (see IEEE 488.2, and