Using the Bath Fill Func on
This func on is exclusive to the J‐C200 temperature
controller. The bath fill func on allows the consumer
to fill a tub with a preset volume of water at a preset
temperature. This is done by pressing the bath fill
bu on on the J‐C200 controller while no hot water is
flowing and then opening only the hot water tap. The
water heater will stop the hot water flow when the
preset volume has been reached. The hot water tap
should then be closed and the bath fill bu on
The temperature se ngs for the bath fill func on are
limited to those in the table below.
Bath Fill Temperature Se ngs Available
°F 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 115 120
°C 37 38
39 40
The bath fill func on will not work
properly if it is connected to mul ple
water heaters. The tub will overfill
Mul ple
because the bath fill func on is not able
to measure the water volume when
connected to mul ple water heaters.
If power is lost during the bath fill
func on, the water heater will shut down
but the water will con nue to flow.
When power returns, the water shuts off
and diagnos c code 03 appears on the
If power is lost a er the bath has filled
but before the bath fill func on bu on is
de‐selected, then the water will not flow
during the power loss or a er the power
is returned. Once power returns, close
the hot water tap and de‐select the bath
fill func on. No diagnos c code appears.
Do not use with single handle fixtures
that have an ‐scald features built into
An ‐
them. These fixtures allow a
predetermined amount of cold water
which is not taken into account by the
bath fill func on.
42 43
Jacuzzi Signature Water Heaters J‐S180/J‐S199
Se ng the Water Volume and Temperature
The default volume is set to 25 gallons. The volume
can be set between 10 and 120 gallons.
Bath Fill
Bath Fill
Be careful not to overfill the bath. An
average bath volume is 60 gallons. When
filling the bath using this func on for the
first me:
Monitor and remain by the bath while
the water is running.
Use a low bath fill volume less than
25 gallons
1. Press the "Priority Mode"
bu on on the temperature
controller. The green Priority
light will glow indica ng that
this controller is controlling the
temperature and that the water
heater is ready to supply hot
2. Press the "Bath Fill" bu on to
set the water volume and
3. Press the "Temp" up (+) or
down (‐) bu ons to obtain the
desired temperature se ng.
4. Press the "Water Vol." up (+) or
down (‐) bu ons to obtain the
desired water volume in
5. Press the "Bath Fill" bu on.