seasoned for at least 2 years. Wood with a mois-
ture content of 20% provides 4.2 kWh per kg wood.
Wood with a moisture content of 15% provides 4.4
kWh per kg wood. Freshly felled wood has a mois-
ture content of 60% and only provides 1.6 kWh per
kg wood.
Saw the wood to size and split it while it is still
fresh. Fresh wood is easier to split, and split wood
dries more easily. Store the wood under a roof
where the wind has free access.
Do not use damp wood. Damp logs do not produce
heat as all the energy is used in the evaporation of
moisture. This will result in a lot of smoke and soot
deposits on the appliance door and in the flue. The
water vapour will condense in the appliance and
can leak away through chinks in the stove, causing
black stains on the floor. It may also condense in
the chimney and form creosote. Creosote is a
highly flammable compound and may cause a chim-
ney fire.
Brown coal briquettes
Brown coal briquettes have approximately the same
burning characteristics as wood.
Ensure there is a good charcoal bed before you
start burning brown coal briquettes.
For lighting the fireplace, follow the instructions in
the "Lighting" paragraph.
Anthracite coal
Anthracite coal is divided into various categories on
the basis of characteristics, sometimes specified by
law, such as the percentage of volatile compounds.
The ash content of anthracite coal is between 3% and
13%. The lower the ash content, the higher the net
heating value and the less often you have to remove
Preferably use category A anthracite coal with a
low ash content.
Use the recommended size 12/22 or 20/30.
For lighting the fireplace, follow the instructions in
the "Lighting" paragraph.
Subject to change because of technical improvements
You can check whether the flue has sufficient draught
by lighting a ball of paper above the baffle plate. A cold
flue often has insufficient draught and consequently,
some smoke may escape into the room instead of up
the chimney. You can avoid this problem by lighting
the fire as described below.
1. Stack two layers of medium sized logs crosswise.
2. Stack two to three layers of kindling crosswise on
top of the logs.
3. Place a firelighter between the bottom layer of kind-
ling and light the firelighter according to the instruc-
tions on the packaging.
4. Close the door of the appliance and open the
primary and secondary air inlets by completely
opening the primary and secondary air sliders; see
the following figure. If there is inadequate draw,
the ash pan can be set at a small tilt for some
5. Let the fire develop into a good blaze until there is
a glowing bed of charcoal. After this, you can add
more fuel and adjust the appliance; see the sec-
tions on "Burning wood", "Burning brown coal bri-
quettes (for TAI M only)" and "Burning anthracite
coals (for TAI M and TAI C)" .