3. Use a Phillips head screwdriver to
set the 2 drywall anchors into the
wall. Then screw the two mounting
screws into the anchors. Adjust the
screw head depth such that the
screw heads protrude 1/8" (3.2 mm)
from the wall.
Warning: Extending the screw heads
beyond 1/8" (3.2 mm) can damage the
display assembly.
4. To reattach the mounting bracket to
the display head, place the mounting
holes so that they are at the top of
the display head. Obtain the screws
that were removed in Step 1 and re-
insert the screws to tighten the
bracket to the display module.
5. Obtain the load cell cable connector
and plug one end of the load cell
cable connector into the "SCALE"
jack in the back of the display
module. Plug the other end of the
load cell cable connector into the
load cell plug in the platform base.
6. Position the display assembly
mounting holes onto the mounting
screws, and carefully pull down on
the display assembly to secure. See
"Powering the Scale" on page 13 to
insert batteries or power adapter.
Then the scale is ready for use.
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