K-400 Drain Cleaning Machine
With water flowing through the drain, retrieve the cable from
the line by moving the feed lever in the opposite direction
that the cable and drum rotate. The FOR/OFF/REV switch
should be in the FOR position – do not retrieve the cable
with the FOR/OFF/REV in the REV position, this can dam-
age the cable. As with feeding the cable into the drain, keep
one hand firmly on the cable for control. The tool can be-
come caught while being retrieved. The flow of water
down the line will help to clean the cable as it is retrieved.
Continue retrieving the cable until the tool is just inside the
drain opening. Move the feed lever to the neutral position
and release the foot switch, allowing the drum to come to
a complete stop. Do not pull the end of the cable from
the drain while the cable is rotating. The tool can whip
around and could cause serious injury.
Place the FOR/OFF/REV in the OFF position and with dry
hands unplug the machine. Pull the remaining cable from
the drain by hand and feed into the drain cleaner. If
needed, change the tool and continue cleaning following
the above process. Several passes through a line are
recommended for complete cleaning.
Using Machine with an AUTOFEED and
a Front Guide Hose
The front guide hose is an accessory to help protect fix-
tures and contain the liquid and debris thrown off of the
cable as it is retrieved from the drain. It can only be used
with an AUTOFEED.
Using a machine with the front guide hose is similar to
using a machine with just the AUTOFEED. Follow in-
structions for AUTOFEED operation with the following
exceptions: When setting up the machine insert the guide
hose at least 6" into the drain. Instead of holding the
cable, hold the guide hose. (See Figure 15 . ) Always con-
trol the guide hose and properly support the cable to
prevent the cable from twisting, kinking or breaking.
Figure 15 – Using Machine with Guide Hose
When using a front guide hose, pay attention how the
guide hose feels in your hand and to watch the drum ro-
tation. Because the guide hose is over the cable, there is
less sensitivity to the loading of the cable, and it is harder
to tell if the tool is rotating or not. If the tool is not rotating,
the drain is not being cleaned.
If the tool continues to get hung up in the blockage, stop
using the AUTOFEED (leave the feed lever in the neutral
position) and work the cable by hand as detailed in the
Manual Feed section. To do this, the cable must be re-
trieved from the drain and the guide hose removed to
allow proper positioning of the machine to the drain and ac-
cess to the cable. Do not try to work the cable by hand with
the front guide hose in place.
Maintenance Instructions
FOR/OFF/REV switch should be OFF and machine
unplugged before performing any maintenance.
Always wear safety glasses and RIDGID drain clean -
ing gloves when performing any maintenance.
Cables should be thoroughly flushed with water after
every use to prevent damaging effects of sediment and
drain cleaning compounds. Flush cable with water and
drain debris from drum by tipping machine forward after
every use to remove sediment, etc. which can corrode
To help prevent corrosion during storage, cables can be