Check for Proper Wheel RPM
Before operating the cleaner, check for proper wheel revolutions per minute (RPM). For
maximum efficiency, the cleaner should operate between 28 and 32 RPM.
1. Mark the single-side wheel using using a piece of tape (or a small leaf tucked into
the tire).
2. Turn the booster pump on, hold the cleaner below the water level and count wheel
revolutions for one minute. Hold the Sweep Hose (d) to avoid getting wet.
3. Optimum wheel speed should be between 28 and 32 RPM. If the count is not in
target range, refer to section 6: Adjust the Wheel Speed.
28 - 32 RPM
1 min
Keep cleaner
submerged for
accurate wheel
speed count.
NOTE: If Back-Up Valve engages during timing, start over.
mark the single-side
wheel (tape or small leaf)