Trasferire i file
Dopo aver connesso HyperDeck Extreme 8K HDR puoi iniziare a trasferire i file normalmente
con l'applicazione FTP. Gran parte delle applicazioni FTP offre un'interfaccia di tipo trascina e
Puoi trasferire qualsiasi file da e su HyperDeck Extreme 8K HDR. Ricorda che i file che intendi
riprodurre da HyperDeck devono essere compatibili con i codec e con le risoluzioni supportati
dal deck stesso. Per la lista dei codec supportati, consulta la sezione dedicata ai codec.
Trasferire i file in rete è possibile anche mentre HyperDeck
Extreme 8K HDR sta registrando. Il deck regolerà automaticamente la velocità di
trasferimento per non compromettere la registrazione.
Informazioni per gli sviluppatori (inglese)
Blackmagic HyperDeck Ethernet Protocol
Version 1.10
The Blackmagic HyperDeck Ethernet Protocol is a text based protocol accessed by connecting
to TCP port 9993 on HyperDeck Extreme 8K HDR. If you are a software developer you can use
the protocol to construct devices that integrate with our products. Here at Blackmagic Design
our approach is to open up our protocols and we eagerly look forward to seeing what you
come up with!
You can connect to your HyperDeck recorder using the HyperDeck Ethernet Protocol using a
command line program on your computer, such as Terminal on a Mac and putty on a
Windows computer.
The HyperDeck Ethernet Protocol lets you schedule playlists and recordings. The following is
an example of how to For example, to play 7 clips from clip number 5 onwards via the
HyperDeck Ethernet Protocol. If your recorder is installed out of reach, you can also turn on the
'remote' feature via ethernet.
On a Mac
Open the Terminal application which is located with the applications > utilities folder.
Type in "nc" and a space followed by the IP address of your HyperDeck Extreme 8K
HDR another space and "9993" which is the HyperDeck Ethernet Protocol port number.
For example type: nc 9993. The Protocol preamble will appear.
Type "playrange set: clip id: 5 count: 7" and press 'return'.
If you look on the timeline on the front panel of the HyperDeck Extreme 8K HDR, you
will see in and out points marked around clips 5 through the end of clip 11.
Type "play". Clips 5 through 11 will now play back.
To clear the playrange, type "playrange clear"
To exit from the protocol, type 'quit'.
Informazioni per gli sviluppatori (inglese)