– If a pause has been programmed, the
carriage will stop for the pause each
time the maximum stretching value is
– Enabling the "stretching in plantar
flexion" function automatically disables
motor B. The only movement perform -
ed is dorsal extension/plantar flexion.
– It is not possible to combine a second
stretching function with the special
"stretching in plantar flexion" function.
– During operation, the display will
show the symbol
left-hand corner.
n Stretching in inversion
With the special "stretching in inversion"
function the carriage gently stretches the
joint towards the inside.
Starting at the middle position the car-
riage will first move to the programmed
eversion value and then to the pro-
grammed inversion value.
Subsequently the carriage reverses 5°
towards eversion and then moves very
slowly back again to the programmed
inversion value (display:
foot and
for the left foot). After that
it attempts to attain another 5°, moving
even slower than before (display:
the right foot and
If a high resistance toward the additional
5° is sensed, the reverse on load function
is automatically activated and the car-
riage moves in the opposite direction.
This stretch cycle is repeated ten times.
After that the carriage moves to the pro-
grammed maximum eversion value and
restarts the cycle "stretching in inversion".
Default setting: disabled
– If a pause has been programmed, the
carriage will stop for the pause each
time the maximum stretching value is
– Enabling the "stretching in inversion"
function automatically disables mo-
tor A. The only movement performed
is inversion / eversion.
in the upper,
for the right
for the left foot).
– It is not possible to combine a second
stretching function with the special
"stretching in inversion" function.
– During operation, the display will
show the symbol
left-hand corner.
n Stretching in eversion
With the special "stretching in eversion"
function the carriage gently stretches the
joint towards the outside.
Starting at the middle position the car-
riage will first move to the programmed
inversion value and then to the pro-
grammed eversion value.
Subsequently the carriage reverses 5°
towards inversion and then moves very
slowly back again to the programmed
eversion value (display
foot and
for the left foot). After that
it attempts to attain another 5°, moving
even slower than before (display
the right foot and
If a high resistance toward the additional
5° is sensed, the reverse on load function
is automatically activated and the car-
riage moves in the opposite direction.
This stretch cycle is repeated ten times.
After that the carriage moves to the pro-
grammed maximum inversion value and
restarts the cycle "stretching in eversion".
Default setting: disabled
– If a pause has been programmed, the
carriage will stop for the pause each
time the maximum stretching value is
– Enabling the "stretching in eversion"
function automatically disables motor
A. The only movement performed is
inversion / eversion.
– It is not possible to combine a second
stretching function with the special
"stretching in eversion" function.
– During operation, the display will show
the symbol
in the upper, left-
hand corner.
You save the selected parameter values by
pressing the STOP button.
in the upper,
for the right
for the left foot).