The use of this equipment requires a ma ximum a mount of respo nsibility with respe ct to their use a nd ma intena nce.
Rea d this sa fety cha pter ca refully a s well a s the rest of the instructions ma nua l. The correct use of the equipment will
de pe nd on this.
The welding equipment referred to in this ma nua l a re electrica l. It is impo rta nt therefore to
obs erve the following sa fety mea sures.
• Any work on the equipment must only be ca rried out by spe cia lists.
• The equipment must be connected to the ea rth connection a nd this must a lwa ys be
• The equipment must not be loca ted in a da mp pla ce.
• Do not use the equipment if the welding or supply ca bles a re da ma g ed. Use orig ina l
• Ma ke sure tha t the pa rt to be welde d ma kes pe rfect electrica l conta ct with the equipment ea rth.
• During a ny ma intena nce ope ra tions or when disma ntling a ny element from the inside of the ma chine, this must
be disconnected from the electricity supply.
Do not touch the equipment switches when ca rrying out a welding ope ra tion.
• Never lea n directly on the work pa rt. We will a lwa ys work with protection g loves.
• Any work on the welding g uns a nd ea rth cla mps will be do ne with the equipment disconnected (O FF Position (O )
on the on/off switch). Do not touch the electrica lly a ctive pa rts (electrode -holde r cla mp, ea rth cla mp, etc.) with
your ba re ha nd.
The pa rt to be worked on should be clea ned from po ssible g rea se or solvents a s these ma y
de compo se during the welding process g iving off fumes which could be very toxic. This ca n
a lso occur with those ma teria ls which ha ve some kind of surfa ce coa ting (zinc-pla ted,
g a lva nised, etc.). Avoid inha ling the fumes g iven off in the process a t a ll times. Protect
yourself from the fumes a nd meta l dust which ca n be g iven off. Use qua lity a pproved a nti-
fume g og g les. Work with this equipment must be ca rried out in pla ces or working po sts
where there is suita ble a ir renewa l. If welding processes a re ca rried out in closed pla ces the
use of suita ble fume extra ctors is recommende d.
In welding processes, the electric a rc formed g ives off infra red a nd ultra violet type
irra dia tions: these a re ha rmful for the eyes a nd skin, so these a rea s must be suita bly
protected with g loves a nd suita ble clothing . The eyes must be protected with g og g les with a n
qua lity a pproved protection system with a protection inde x of a t lea st 1 1 . With electric a rc
welding ma chines use protection shield for the eyes a nd fa ce. With electric cutting ma chine
use protection g og g les. Alwa ys use qua lity a pproved protection elements. Never use conta ct
lenses. They ma y a dhere to the cornea due to the g rea t hea t g iven off during the process.
Bea r in mind tha t the a rc is conside red to be da ng erous within a 1 5 -metre ra dius.
Ca st ma teria l projections a re g iven off during the welding process so due preca utions must
be ta ken. There must be a fire-exting uisher nea r to the working a rea . Do not keep
infla mma ble ma teria l or explosives nea r to the working po st. Prevent fire ca used by spa rks
or sla g . Use qua lity a pproved footwea r for this type of ope ra tions. Use a pproved a uditive
protectors in ca se of too hig h noise.
Never direct the pa th of a n electrode -holde r cla mp towa rds pe ople.
In environments with a hig h risk of electrica l shock, fire, proximity of infla mma ble products
or heig ht, obs erve rela tive na tiona l a nd interna tiona l provisions.
SMART 2 0 0 MP
For your sa fety a nd tha t of others, remembe r tha t:
spa res.
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