- Make sure your browser is not configured to use a proxy server.
- Check that the IP address you entered is correct. If the repeater's LAN IP ad-
dress has been changed, you should enter the reassigned IP address instead.
2) I forget Password (Reset the Repeater without Login).
- Use a pencil to press the button for about 2-6 seconds when it is working, then
leave your hands, it will restore settings to the factory configuration. The default
password is guest.
3) I have some problems related to Connection with Cable Modem.
Please follow the following steps to check the problems:
- Check whether the DSL modem works well or the signal is stable. Normally
there will be some indicator lights on the modem, users can check whether the
signal is ok or the modem works well from those lights. If not, please contact the
- Check the front panel of the Repeater, there are also some indicator lights
there. When the physical connection is correct, the Power light and the CPU light
should be solid; the WAN light should be blinking. If you use your computer, the
corresponding LAN port light should be blinking too. If not, please check whether
the cables work or not.
- Repeat the steps in WAN Setup Connect with Internet through DSL Modem.
4) I can browse the repeater's Web-based Configuration Utility but cannot
access the Internet.
- Check if the WAN LED is ON. If not, verify that the physical connection between
the repeater and the DSL/Cable modem is firmly connected. Also ensure the
DSL/Cable modem is working properly.