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Before using for the first time
Wash, rinse and dry the knife before using it
for the first time.
— Knives prefer to be washed by hand.
The knife is unlikely to be rendered
useless if washed in a dishwasher, but
the edge can be damaged, the blade
may corrode or the plastic handle may
become dull.
— To avoid unsightly marks on the blade,
always rinse and dry the knife immedi-
ately after it has been washed.
— It is advisable always to wash and
dry the knife as soon as it has been
used. That prevents any risk of bacte-
ria spreading from, for example, raw
chicken to fresh vegetables.
Sharpening and whetting
— A sharp knife is safer to use than a blunt
one, so sharpen your knives regularly.
ÄNDLIG knives have stainless steel
blades that are simple to sharpen. Once
a week is usually advisable for ordinary
household use. Remember that the
sharpener must be made of a harder
material than the steel in the blades. For
this reason you need to use a sharpen-
ing steel made of ceramic or chromium
steel, a whetstone or a knife sharpener.
— Dacă un cuţit este foarte neascuţit din
cauza folosirii îndelungate sau din alte
cauze, poţi ascuţi lama în mod profe-
Depozitarea şi folosirea cuţitului
— Nu taia produse congelate sau foarte
tari (oase) pentru ca lama se poate
toci sau indoi.Foloseşte întodeauna un
tocător din lemn sau plastic.
— Nu tăia niciodată pe o suprafaţă de
sticlă, porţelan sau metal.
— Ţine cuţitul într-un bloc de cuţite sau pe
o bandă magnetică de perete. De-
pozitarea corespunzătoare a cuţitelor le
protejează lama şi le prelungeşte durata
de viaţă.

