Stabilisation with a raised outer edge of the foot
1. Guide the Stabilo
ankle joint forwards diagonally over the metatarsal
downwards to the inner side of the foot.
2. In the next step, guide the strap through underneath
the sole of the foot to the outer side of the foot.
3. Then, draw the Stabilo
over the metatarsal to the inner side of the ankle
joint again. Raise the outer edge of the foot slightly
4. Finally, fasten it onto the outer side from behind.
The tighter you tension the Stabilo
strap on the outer side of the
strap upwards diagonally
strap, the better the stabilising effect.
Stabilisation with a raised inner edge of the foot
1. Guide the Stabilo
ankle joint forwards diagonally over the metatarsal
downwards to the outer side of the foot.
2. In the next step, guide the strap through underneath
the sole of the foot to the inner side of the foot.
3. Then, draw the Stabilo
over the metatarsal to the outer side of the ankle
joint again. Raise the inner edge of the foot slightly
4. Finally, fasten it onto the inner side from behind.
The tighter you tension the Stabilo
strap on the inner side of the
strap upwards diagonally
strap, the better the stabilising effect.