Low noise pulsed MIG or Soft Silence Pulsé (SSP)
Offered for Ø 1 and 1.2mm steel and stainless steel, these new pulsed synergies provide:
a considerable reduction in arc noise
a softer more energetic arc with a broader spread
a hotter molten pool and hence a well wetted bead
Note: low noise pulsed mig makes the welding environment more pleasant. It carries more energy into the molten pool and can be used
very easily flat; but it is less convenient for welding in position.
2 - Step cycle
Pressing the trigger activates wire feed and pre-gas and turns on the
Releasing the trigger causes the welding to stop.
The Hot Start cycle is validated by the t H S OFF parameter in the general Cycle submenu of the SETUP. It enables starting the welding
with a current peak that facilitates striking.
The down-slope enables weld bead finish with a decreasing level of welding.
4 - Step cycle
Pulling the trigger the first time activates the pre-gas, followed by Hot Start. Releasing the trigger starts the welding.
If HOT START is not active, welding will start immediately after pre-gas. In such a case, releasing the trigger (2
the welding cycle will continue.
Pressing the trigger in the welding phase (3rd step) enables control of the duration of the down-slope and anti-crater functions, according to
the pre-programmed time delay.
If there is no down-slope, releasing the trigger will immediately switch into post-gas (as programmed in the Setup).
In 4-Step mode (4T), releasing the trigger stops the anti-crater function if slope-down is ENABLED.
If slope-down is DISABLED, releasing the trigger will stop the POST-GAS.
The HOT START and slope-down functions are not available in manual mode..
welding current.
VFil/wire speed
Lg Arc/Arc lenght
step) will have no effect, and