1. General:
General programme for muscle strengthening post-operative at which no tetanic con-
traction occurs.
2. Indication:
First stage of muscle rehabilitation with the objective to increase muscle strength with-
out affecting the muscle fibre composition.
3. Treatment time:
7 minutes.
4. Remarks:
No DC component, the risk for electrochemical damage (chemical burn) is minimal.
5. Programma:
IF, 2 kHz, AMF 20 Hz, 7 min.
6. Sensation:
Perceptible contraction.
7. Intensity level:
Adjust intensity level until the required contraction is reached. Do not increase inten-
sity during operation. Discontinue treatment if contraction strength weakens.
1. General:
Specific programme for aerobic endurance training by means of biphasic symmetrical
TENS current.
2. Indication:
Muscle rehabilitation with the objective to increase the endurance of the muscle.
3. Treatment time:
20 minutes.
4. Remarks:
No DC component, the risk for electrochemical damage (chemical burn) is minimal.
5. Programma:
BF.SYM., 200 µs, 35 Hz, contraction rhythm 1/5/0/6, 20 min.
6. Sensation:
Gradually increasing stimulation followed by an interval.
7. Intensity level:
Adjust intensity level until the required contraction is reached. Do not increase inten-
sity during operation. Discontinue treatment if contraction strength weakens.
1. General:
Specific programme for maximal aerobic endurance training by means of biphasic
symmetrical TENS current.
2. Indication:
Muscle rehabilitation with the objective to increase the maximal endurance of the mus-
3. Treatment time:
10 minutes.
4. Remarks:
No DC component, the risk for electrochemical damage (chemical burn) is minimal.
5. Programma:
BF.SYM., 200 µs, 50 Hz, contraction rhythm 1/5/0/15, 10 min.
6. Sensation:
Gradually increasing stimulation followed by an interval.
7. Intensity level:
Adjust intensity level until the required contraction is reached. Do not increase inten-
sity during operation. Discontinue treatment if contraction strength weakens.
1. General:
Specific programme for training of the maximal contraction of a muscle (-group).
2. Indication:
Intensive muscle training with the objective to increase the maximal contraction of a
3. Treatment time:
7 minutes.
4. Remarks:
No DC component, the risk for electrochemical damage (chemical burn) is minimal.
5. Programma:
BF.SYM., 200 µs, 70 Hz, contraction rhythm 1/5/0/25, 7 min.
6. Sensation:
Gradually increasing stimulation followed by an interval.
7. Intensity level:
Adjust intensity level until the required contraction is reached. Do not increase inten-
sity during operation. Discontinue treatment if contraction strength weakens.