1. General:
Trainingsprogramme after a long period of immobilisation and in-activity, composed
of a 'warming-up', training phase and 'cooling down'.
2. Indication:
Muscle rehabilitation with the purpose to recover the volume of the muscle(group) by
means of tetanic contractions.
3. Treatment time:
45 minutes.
4. Remarks:
No DC component, the risk for electrochemical damage (chemical burn) is minimal.
5. Programme:
BF.SYM., 200 µs, 8 Hz, 10 min.
BF.SYM., 200 µs, 45 Hz, contraction rhythm 1/4/0/15, 30 min.
BF.SYM., 200 µs, 4 Hz, 5 min.
6. Sensation:
Sequence of gradually increasing and decreasing stimulation.
7. Intensity level:
Adjust the intensity level until the desired contraction occurs. Discontinue treatment if
contraction strength weakens.
1. General:
Trainingsprogramme after a long period of immobilisation and in-activity, composed
of a 'warming-up', training phase and 'cooling down'.
2. Indication:
Muscle rehabilitation with the purpose to recover the volume of the muscle(group) by
means of tetanic contractions.
3. Treatment time:
45 minutes.
4. Remarks:
No DC component, the risk for electrochemical damage (chemical burn) is minimal.
5. Programme:
BF.SYM., 350 µs, 8 Hz, 10 min.
BF.SYM., 350 µs, 45 Hz, contraction rhythm 1/4/0/15, 30 min.
BF.SYM., 350 µs, 4 Hz, 5 min.
6. Sensation:
Sequence of gradually increasing and decreasing stimulation.
7. Intensity level:
Adjust the intensity level until the desired contraction occurs. Discontinue treatment if
contraction strength weakens.