ıntrODUctıOn aPPlıcatıOn FıelDs Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe is used for continuous level measuring and volume measuring of liquid and solid materials in open and closed tanks without contact. Furthermore the device has an open channel flow measuring option. there...
ECH324- R 4” DIN 259 pipe thread Box outer surface : Electrostatic powder paint on alodine coating Weight : ECH306- 0,99 kg EcH306/PVdF- 0,99 kg EcH312- 1,15 kg EcH312/PVdF- 1,15 kg EcH318- 1,25 kg EcH324- 2,05 kg Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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• A Sensor surface • B Probe • C Screw • D box • E cover Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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• Calculation of minimum distance of the device to the side during its assembly is half of value calculated by multiplying of distance from sensor end to the base with tan12°. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
E key is used to enter to the menus and to accept the values entered. the value is accepted if it is hold pressed for 3 seconds to accept the new value entered in the menu. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
MAIn Measurement defined in settings (level, volume etc. of component) cUrrEnt Instant expression of current output for measuring value (4-20mA) tEMP Ambient temperature (for compensation) Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
“dEFAULts LOAd YEs” by up arrow key. It is asked if you are sure about this process as “DEFAULTS SURE?”. E key is pressed if this process is desired to be performed and left arrow key is pressed if the process is desired to be cancelled. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
• one of units such as meter, centimeter, inch, feet can be selected for Distance. • one of units such as meter, centimeter, inch, feet can be selected for Level • It can be selected as cubic meter, liter, US Gallon for Volume. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
(zero level) and the distance from end of sensor towards liquid surface. Main Level = zero Level – distance • Zero Level is a visible menu if LEVEL is selected from Type menu. DISTANCE ZERO LEVEL MAIN Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
For example, if you do 40 cm as 4 mA and 400 cm as 20 mA for LEVEL cM, your analog output becomes adjusted as 4-20 mA between 40 cm and 400 cm. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
Go to this menu by using arrow keys and press E key; you can define delay time for FAULt contact by using down and up arrow keys. this value is a number between 0 and 15 and fault signal arises at the end of selected time. Fault relay is nc contact. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
E key is pressed while the screen flashes and it is written PArsHAL rEsEt on the screen. Any key other then E key is pressed if it is desired to cancel while the screen flashes or the device restores to normal operation if no key pressed for 4 seconds. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
1 to the device by using up-down arrow keys. 13.2.3 hart Fixed current Come to this menu by using arrow keys and press E key. You can fix current output by using up-down arrow keys. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
ULtrAsOnIc LEVEL trAnsMIttEr & cOntrOLLEr 24V dc POWEr Measuring distance 12m (ideal conditions), Thread 2” BSP PVDF, Operating Temperature –20C tO 90c, IP68, Operating pressure 3bar, Modbus rs485 serial port, 1 Analog out4- 20mA, Hart, 2 control relay (nO) out Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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24m (ideal conditions), Thread 4” DIN 259 Delrin® POM-C EN 10204, Operating temperature –20c tO 80c, IP68, Operating pressure 1bar, Modbus rs485 serial port, 1 Analog out 4-20mA 2 control relay (nO) out Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
Prism Dim_X: distance of base of depot in rectangular shape to end of level sensor. Dim_Y: width of rectangular depot Dim_Z: length of rectangular depot Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
DIM D d = DIM D− Distance DIM_D DIM_X DIM_L Dim_X: distance from end of sensor to base of depot. DıM_D: diameter of cylinder Dim_l: Length of horizontal cylinder Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
PArsHAL FLUME decimal value of Parshal flume counter 40126 Long MEtEr dEcIMALs register (40124) contains unit code of Parshal flume counter PArsHAL FLUME register (M , Ft , GL) 40128 MEtEr UnIt Long cOdE Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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40404 IntErVAL Long 1..8 per second. second Filtering of measured values. 0=no 40406 FILtEr Long 0..16 filter, 16=maximum filtering. 40408 dELAY Delay time of fault relay in seconds. Long 0..15 second Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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12345 is written while the value in the FLUME 40500 Long register was 0. then 0 is written again after it is seen MEtEr (40124) from relevant register that the meter is reset. rEsEt Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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Volume measurement in gallon (1 gallon= 3.78541 l) PArsHAL_FLUME_M Flow measuring in cubic meter per second. PArsHAL_FLUME_Lt/s Flow measuring in liter per second. PArsHAL_FLUME_FEEt Flow measuring in feet per second. PArsHAL_FLUME_GALOn/s Flow measuring in gallon per second. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
41 Liter 40 Us Gallon 28 cubic Meters per second Ultrasonic transducer 24 Litters per Second Analog current Output Parshall Flume 26 cubic Feet per second Value 22 Us Gallons per second Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
#18 Transmitter Variable Code For Slot 3 (See Variable slot numbers in Table I) #19 Unit code For slot 3 #20 to #23 Variable For slot 3 #0 - No Command-Specific Errors response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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#0 - No Command-Specific Errors Command #38 Reset Configuration Changed Flag request data bytes none response data bytes none response codes #0 - No Command-Specific Errors Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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#59 Write number Of response Preambles request data bytes #0 number of preamble byte response data bytes #0 number of preamble byte (as in command) #0 - No Command-Specific Errors response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
Página 42
De nıveaU UltrasOnıqUe OrıOn echO IntrOdUctIOn dOMAInEs d’APPLIcAtIOn cHOIX POUr LE dOMAInE d’APPLIcAtIOn FOnctIOn InFOrMAtIOns tEcHnIQUEs PArtIcULArItEs ELEctrIQUEs PArtIcULArItEs MEcAnIQUEs cOndItIOns dE FOnctIOnnEMEnt dIMEnsIOns Et dEFInItIOn dEs PIEcEs MOntAGE MEcAnIQUE EcrAn Et scHEMA dE cOnnEXIOn dEs cAbLEs cLAVIEr...
ıntrODUctıOn DOMaınes D’aPPlıcatıOn La sonde de niveau Ultrasonique Orion Echo est utilisée pour les mesurages sans contact en continu du niveau et du volume des substances liquides et solides dans les réservoirs ouverts et fermés. En outre elle dispose d’une option de mesurage de débit de canal ouvert.
Angle du cône de son : Angle solide 10° en -3 dB Compensation : Effet du changement de la température ambiante sur la diffusion du son Vibration : 5-500 Hz 3G RMS vibration aléatoire IEc-60068-2-64 Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
• La distance minimum au bord est la moitié de la valeur obtenue de la multiplication de la distance du bout du capteur jusqu’a la base avec tan 12 lors du montage de l’appareil. Distance Minimum Aux Bords = tan12/hauteur Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
La touche directionnelle horizontale est utilisée pour sortir du menu ou annuler l’opération à réaliser. La touche E est utilisée pour accéder aux menus et valider les valeurs saisies. Appuyer pendant 3 secondes pour valider la nouvelle valeur saisie dans le menu. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
à mesurer au capteur. MAIn Mesure définie dans les réglages (niveau, volume etc. de la substance) cUrrEnt Expression momentanée de la sortie du courant pour la valeur du mesurage (4-20 mA). tEMP température ambiante (pour le compensateur). Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
DEFAULTS LOAD YES” en employant la touche directionnelle haute, appuyer ensuite sur la touche E, la question “DEFAULTS SURE?” apparaît pour savoir si on est sure. Appuyer sur la touche E pour valider et sur la touche directionnelle gauche pour annuler. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
• On peut choisir l’une des unités mètre, centimètre, inch ou feet pour l’option distance. • On peut choisir l’une des unités mètre, centimètre, inch ou feet pour l’option level. • Les options metre3, litre, USGalon peuvent être choisis pour l’option volume. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
Main Level = zéro Level – distance • Zéro Level est un menu qui apparaît si l’option “LEVEL” est choisis du menu Type. DISTANCE ZERO LEVEL MAIN Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
20 mA dans la sortie analogue en employant les touches directionnelles hautes et basses. Exemple : Si on fait 4 mA pour 40 cm et 20 mA pour 400 cm, notre sortie analogue sera réglée a 4-20 mA pour 40cm-400cm. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
E, déterminer le délai de retard pour le bouton FAULt en employant les touches directionnelles hautes et basses. cette valeur est entre 0 et 15 et un signal d’erreur est émis en fin du délai choisis. Le relais erreur est le bouton nc. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
PArsHAL rEsEt. Appuyer sur une autre touche que la touche E pour renoncer ou n’appuyer sur aucune touche pendant 4 secondes afin que l’appareil retourne au fonctionnement normal. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
13.2.3 hart Fixed current Accéder ce menu en employant les touches directionnelles et appuyer sur la touche E pour fixer la sortie de courant en employant les touches directionnelles hautes et basses. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
étanche, fermer le couvercle de l’appareil de sorte d’éviter les fuites, régler le sens de la sortie du câble vers le bas. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
De vOlUMe Prisme rectangulaire DıM_X: La distance de la base du dépôt rectangulaire au bout du capteur de niveau. DıM_Y: Largeur du dépôt rectangulaire. DıM_Z: Longueur du dépôt rectangulaire. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
DIM D d = DIM D− Distance DIM_D DIM_X DIM_L DıM_X: distance entre la base du réservoir et le bout du capteur. DıM_D: diamètre du cylindre. DıM_l: Longueur du cylindre horizontal. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
DIM X − Distance DIM_D DIM_X DıM_X: distance entre la base du réservoir et le bout du capteur. DıM_D: diamètre de la sphère Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
Parshal Flume h= DIM X − Distance DıM_D: Largeur du canal. DıM_X: distance entre la base du canal et le bout du capteur. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
Valeur décimale du registre du compteur 40126 Long MEtEr dEcIMALs Parshal flume (40124). Indique le code unitaire du registre du PArsHAL FLUME compteur Parshal flume (M , Ft , GL). 40128 MEtEr UnIt Long cOdE Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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40404 IntErVAL Long 1..8 seconde seconde. Filtrage des valeurs mesurées. 0=pas de 40406 FILtEr Long 0..16 filtre, 16=filtrage maximum. Le temps de retard en seconde du 40408 dELAY Long 0..15 seconde bouton Fault (Erreur). Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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Employer pour initialiser le compteur Parshal flume. Ecrire d’abord 12345 lorsque la valeur de ce registre FLUME 40500 Long est 0, écrire zéro après l’indication dans le registre MEtEr concerné (40124) que le compteur est initialisé. rEsEt Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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Mesurage de volume en galon (1 galon=3.78541lt). PArsHAL_FLUME_M Mesurage du courant en mètre cube par seconde PArsHAL_FLUME_Lt/s Mesurage du courant en litre par seconde PArsHAL_FLUME_FEEt Mesurage du courant en feet par seconde PArsHAL_FLUME_GALOn/s Mesurage du courant en galon par seconde Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
41 Liter 40 Us Gallon 28 cubic Meters per second Ultrasonic transducer 24 Litters per Second Analog current Output Parshall Flume 26 cubic Feet per second Value 22 Us Gallons per second Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
#18 Transmitter Variable Code For Slot 3 (See Variable slot numbers in Table I) #19 Unit code For slot 3 #20 to #23 Variable For slot 3 #0 - No Command-Specific Errors response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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#0 - No Command-Specific Errors Command #38 Reset Configuration Changed Flag request data bytes none response data bytes none response codes #0 - No Command-Specific Errors Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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#59 Write number Of response Preambles request data bytes #0 number of preamble byte response data bytes #0 number of preamble byte (as in command) #0 - No Command-Specific Errors response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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16. Advertencia Y seguridad 17. Garantía Limitada AnEXOs cÁLcULOs dE VOLUMEn Prisma rectangular cilindro cilindro Horizontal Esfera Parshal Flume LA LIstA dE dIrEccIÓn dE MOdbUs dAtA IMPLEMEntEd HArt cOMMAnds UnIVErsAL cOMMAnds cOMMOn PrActIcE cOMMAnds Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
ıntrODUccıÓn caMPOs De aPlıcacıÓn La sonda de nivel Ultrasónico Orion Echo se usa para las mediciones de volumen y nivel continuo no-contacto de materiales líquidos y sólidos en los tanques abiertos y cerrados. también hay opción de medición de flujo del canal abierto. Hay un juego...
PrOPıeDaDes MecÁnıcas Caja : Procesando con limaduras de metal de aluminio Sonda : Delrin® POM - C EN 10204 (EcHO 306 - 312 PVdF Opción) Superficie del Sensor : epoxi vidrio reforzado (EcHO 306 - 312 PVdF Opción) Medición de Tornillo : ECH306 - R 2”...
EcH324- 30 Khz Angulo de cónico de sonido : 10º complete ángulo at -3 dB Compensación : Afecta en la emisión de sonido de la variación de temperatura del ambiente-500 Hz 3G rMs vibración IEc-60068-2-64 Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
• La minima distancia al borde en el ensamblaje del aparato es la mitad del valor que se calcula multiplicando la distancia desde la base al final del sensor por tan12º. tan12 * altura Distancia minima al extremo = Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
La tecla E se usa para aceptar los valores ingresados y entrar a los menús. con el fin de aceptar el nuevo valor que se ingresa en el menú, si la tecla se mantiene 3 presionando, el valor se acepta. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
Medición que se define en la configuración (nivel, volumen del material, etc.) cUrrEnt Expresión instantánea de la salida de corriente para el valor de medición (4 – 20 mA) tEMP temperatura del ambiente (Para la compensación) Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
E. Con la pregunta “DEFAULTS SURE?”, se pregunta si es seguro o no hacer este proceso. Si se desea realizar este proceso, se presiona la tecla “E”, si se desea cancelar el proceso, se presiona la tecla de “flecha izquierda”. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
• Para Distance, puede seleccionarse una de las unidades de metro, centímetro, pulgada, pie puede seleccionarse. • Para Level, puede seleccionarse una de las unidades de metro, centímetro, pulgada, pie. • Para Volume, puede seleccionarse una de las unidades de meter3, litro, USGalon. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
Main Level = zero Level – distance • Zero Level es un menú visible si el “LEVEL” se selecciona del menú de Type. DISTANCE ZERO LEVEL MAIN Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
40 cm con 4 mA y 400 cm con 20 mA para el LEVEL cM, su salida análoga se ajusta a 4 – 20 mA para la distancia entre 40 cm y 400 cm. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
E, usando las teclas de la flecha superior – Inferior, determine el periodo de retraso para el contacto de FAULt. Este valor esta entre 0 y 15 y la señal de falla viene al final del periodo seleccionado. El relé de Falla es contacto es nc. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
PArsHAL rEsEt. si se desea abandonar, usted puede presionar otra tecla diferente a la tecla E mientras la pantalla esta haciendo flash o el aparato vuelve al funcionamiento normal si usted no presiona ninguna tecla por 4 segundos. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
13.2.3 hart Fixed current Venga hasta este menú usando las teclas de flechas y presione la tecla E, usted puede ajustar la salida de corriente usando las teclas de las flechas superior – Inferior. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
De vOlUMen Prisma rectangular DıM_X: Distancia entre la base del deposito de forma rectangular y el extreme del sensor de nivel. DıM_Y: Ancho del deposito rectangular. DıM_Z: Longitud del deposito rectangular. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
DIM D d = DIM D− Distance DIM_D DIM_X DIM_L DıM_X: Distancia entre el extremo del sensor y la base del tanque. DıM_D: diámetro del cilindro. DıM_l: Longitud del cilindro horizontal. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
DIM X − Distance DIM_D DIM_X DıM_X: Distancia entre el extreme del sensor y la base del tanque. DıM_D: diámetro de la esfera. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
Parshal Flume h= DIM X − Distance DıM_D: Ancho del canal. DıM_X: Distancia entre el extreme del sensor y la base del canal. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
El valor de decimal del register (40124) de 40126 Long MEtEr dEcIMALs contador de Parshal flume. PArsHAL FLUME contiene el código de unidad del register para el contador de Parshal flume (M , Ft , GL). 40128 MEtEr UnIt Long cOdE Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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Filtrado de los valores medidos. 0=no 40406 FILtEr Long 0..16 filtrado, 16= máximo filtrado. El tiempo de retraso en segundos del 40408 dELAY Long 0..15 segundo contacto de Fault (Falla). Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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12345 FLUME 40500 Long como valor en el register mientras era 0 y luego después MEtEr de ver la configuración del contador desde el relativo rEsEt register (40124), nuevamente se escribe cero. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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La medición de flujo en metros cúbicos por segundo PArsHAL_FLUME_Lt/s La medición de flujo en litro por segundo PArsHAL_FLUME_FEEt La medición de flujo en pies 3 por segundo PArsHAL_FLUME_GALOn/s La medición de flujo en galón por segundo Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
41 Liter 40 Us Gallon 28 cubic Meters per second Ultrasonic transducer 24 Litters per Second Analog current Output Parshall Flume 26 cubic Feet per second Value 22 Us Gallons per second Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
#18 Transmitter Variable Code For Slot 3 (See Variable slot numbers in Table I) #19 Unit code For slot 3 #20 to #23 Variable For slot 3 #0 - No Command-Specific Errors response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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#0 - No Command-Specific Errors Command #38 Reset Configuration Changed Flag request data bytes none response data bytes none response codes #0 - No Command-Specific Errors Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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#59 Write number Of response Preambles request data bytes #0 number of preamble byte response data bytes #0 number of preamble byte (as in command) #0 - No Command-Specific Errors response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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15. Resmi ̇ Uygunluk 16. Uyarilar ve Güvenli ̇k 17. Sinirli Garanti ̇ EKLEr HACİM HESAPLAMALARI dikdörtgen Prizma silindir Yatay silindir Küre Parshal Flume MODBUS DATA ADRES LİSTESİ IMPLEMEntEd HArt cOMMAnds UnIVErsAL cOMMAnds cOMMOn PrActIcE cOMMAnds Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
GİrİŞ UYgUlaMa alanları Orion Echo Ultrasonik Seviye Probu, açik ve kapali tanklarda sivi ve kati maddelerin temassiz sürekli seviye ve hacim ölçümleri için kullanilir. Ayrica açik kanal debi ölçüm opsiyonu vardir. 4 tuş sizdirmaz tuş takimi mevcut olup ölçülen değeri seviye, mesafe , imp, galon) olarak gösterebilir.
MEkAnİk MOntAJ • Doğru bir ölçüm yapilabilmesi için ölçüm yapilacak yüzeye tam dik olmasina dikkat edilmelidir. • Cihazin montajinda kenara olan minimum uzaklik, sensör ucundan tabana olan mesafe ile tan12° nin çarpimindan hesaplanan değerin yarisidir. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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Yatay ok tuşu menüden çikiş için ya da yapilacak olan işlemin iptali için kullanilir. E tuşu menülere giriş ve girilen değerleri kabul etmek için kullanilir. Menüde girilen yeni değeri kabul etmek için 3 sn. basili tutulursa değer kabul edilir. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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Yukari ve aşaği ok tuşlarina basarak göstergeleri değiştirebilirsiniz. dIstAncE Ölçümü yapilacak olan maddenin sensöre olan mesafesi MAIn Ayarlarda tanimlanan ölçüm (maddenin seviyesi, hacmi, vs.) cUrrEnt Ölçüm değeri için akim çikişinin anlik ifadesi (4-20mA) tEMP Ortam isisi (Kompanzasyon için) Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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“DEFAULTS LOAD NO” seçeneği Yukari ok tuşu ile DEFAULTS LOAD YES” yapildiktan sonra E tuşuna basilir “DEFAULTS SURE?” bu işlem için emin olunup olunmadiği sorulur. Bu işlem gerçekleştirilmek isteniyorsa “E” tuşuna, işlem iptal edilmek isteniyorsa “Sol ok” tuşuna basilir. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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• Distance için metre, santimetre, inch, feet birimlerinden birisi seçilebilir. • Level için metre, santimetre, inch, feet birimlerinden birisi seçilebilir. • Volume için metre3, litre, USGalon birimlerinden birisi olarak seçilebilir. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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Ölçülecek sivi miktari, derinlik (zero level) ile sensörün ucundan sivi yüzeyine olan mesafenin (distance) farkina eşittir. Main Level = zero Level – distance • Zero Level, Type menüsünden “LEVEL” seçilmişse görülebilir bir menüdür. DISTANCE ZERO LEVEL MAIN Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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Aşaği ok tuşlarini kullanarak analog çikişta 4 mA ve 20 mA için başlangiç ve son ölçüm değerini girin. Örnek: LEVEL CM için 40 cm’yi 4 mA ve 400 cm’yi de 20 mA yaparsaniz, analog çikişiniz 40 cm ile 400 cm arasi için 4 - 20 mA’e ayarlanmiş olur. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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Bu menüye kadar ok tuşlarini kullanarak gelin ve E tuşuna basin, Yukari-Aşaği ok tuşlarini kullanarak FAULT kontaği için gecikme süresini belirleyin. Bu değer 0 ile 15 arasinda bir değerdir ve seçilen süre sonunda hata sinyali gelir. Hata Rolesi NC kontaktir. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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Ekran flaş yaparken E tuşuna basilirsa sayaç sifirlanir ve ekranda PARSHAL RESET yazar. Vazgeçilmek istenirse ekran flaş yaparken E tuşundan başka bir tuşa basilabilir, veya cihaz 4 saniye hiçbir tusa basilmazsa normal çalişmaya döner. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
Página 143
Bu menüye kadar ok tuşlarini kullanarak gelin ve E tuşuna basin, Yukari-Aşaği ok tuşlarini kullanarak cihaza 1 den büyük Preambles değerini verebilirsiniz. 13.2.3 hart Fixed current Bu menüye kadar ok tuşlarini kullanarak gelin ve E tuşuna basin, Yukari-Aşaği ok tuşlarini kullanarak akim çikişini sabitleyebilirsiniz. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
Página 144
ULtrAsOnIc LEVEL trAnsMIttEr & cOntrOLLEr 24V dc POWEr Measurig distance 12m (ideal conditions), Thread 2” BSP PVDF, OperatingTemprature –20C TO 90c, IP68, Operating presure 3bar, Modbus rs485 serial port, 1 Analog out4-20mA, Hart, 2 control relay (nO) out Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
Página 145
24m (ideal conditions), Thread 4” DIN 259 Delrin® POM-C EN 10204, Operating temprature –20c tO 80c, IP68, Operating presure 1bar, Modbus rs485 serial port, 1 Analog out 4-20mA 2 control relay (nO) out Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
Página 146
Kullanici rekora uygun çapta kablo ile bağlanti yapmak ve rekoru sizdirmayacak şekilde sikmak, cihazin kapağini sizdirmayacak şekilde sikica kapatmak kablo çikiş yönünü aşağiya gelecek şekilde ayarlamak zorundadir. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
Página 149
Yatay silindir DIM D d = DIM D− Distance DIM_D DIM_X DIM_L DıM_X: Sensörün ucundan tankin tabanina olan mesafe. DıM_D: Silindirin Çapi. DıM_l: Yatay silindirin uzunluğu. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
Página 150
Küre h= DIM X − Distance DIM_D DIM_X DıM_X: Sensörün ucundan tankin tabanina olan mesafe. DıM_D: Kürenin Çapi. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
Página 151
Parshal Flume h= DIM X − Distance DıM_D: Kanalin genişliği. DıM_X: Sensörün ucundan kanalin tabanina olan mesafe. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
Página 152
PArsHAL FLUME Parshal flume sayac registerinin (40124) 40126 Long MEtEr dEcIMALs ondalik değeri. Parshal flume saya registerinin birim PArsHAL FLUME kodunu içerir (M , Ft , GL) 40128 MEtEr UnIt Long cOdE Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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Ölçüm/ 40404 IntErVAL Bir saniyede alincak ölçüm sayisi Long 1..8 saniye Ölçülen değerlerin filtrelenmesi. 40406 FILtEr Long 0..16 0=filter yok, 16=maksimum filtreleme. Fault (Hata) kontağinin saniye olarak 40408 dELAY Long 0..15 saniye gecikme zamani. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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Feet Parshal flume sayacini sifirlamak için kullanilir. Sayaci PArsHAL sifilamak için bu register’daki değer 0 iken önce FLUME 12345 yazilir, sayacin sifirlandğini ilgili register’dan 40500 Long MEtEr (40124) gördükten sonra tekrar sifir yazilir. rEsEt Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
41 Liter 40 Us Gallon 28 cubic Meters per second Ultrasonic transducer 24 Litters per Second Analog current Output Parshall Flume 26 cubic Feet per second Value 22 Us Gallons per second Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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#0 - Polling Address of device response data bytes #0 - Polling Address of device #0 - No Command-Specific Errors #2 - Invalid Selection (Address > 15) response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received #32 - busy Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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#7 to #10 - P.V. Lower range Value #11 to #14 - P.V. Damping Value (fixed 10) #15 - Write Protect code (not used , 0) #16 - Private Label distributor code (not used , 0) Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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#18 Transmitter Variable Code For Slot 3 (See Variable slot numbers in Table I) #19 Unit code For slot 3 #20 to #23 Variable For slot 3 #0 - No Command-Specific Errors response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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#0 - No Command-Specific Errors Command #38 Reset Configuration Changed Flag request data bytes none response data bytes none response codes #0 - No Command-Specific Errors Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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#59 Write number Of response Preambles request data bytes #0 number of preamble byte response data bytes #0 number of preamble byte (as in command) #0 - No Command-Specific Errors response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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15. Соответствие Стандартам И Нормам 16. Предупреждения И Безопасность 17. Ограниченная Гарантия ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ РАСЧЕТЫ ОБЪЕМА Прямоугольная призма Цилиндр Горизонтальный Цилиндр Шар Parshal Flume СПИСОК АДРЕСОВ ДАННЫХ MODBUS IMPLEMEntEd HArt cOMMAnds UnIVErsAL cOMMAnds cOMMOn PrActIcE cOMMAnds Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
ввеДенИе СФеРЫ ПРИмененИя Ультразвуковой измеритель уровня Orion Echo используется для постоянного бесконтактного измерения уровня и объема жидких и твердых веществ в открытых и закрытых хранилищах. Так же есть возможность измерения пропускной способности на открытых каналах. Имеются 4 водонепроницаемые кнопки, за счет которых возможно получить измеренное значение как уровень, расстояние...
• Для выполнения безошибочного измерения, необходимо, что бы устройство было установлено перпендикулярно поверхности измерения. • Подсчет минимального расстояния до стенки при проведении монтажа устройства, определяется как половина значения, получаемая умножением расстояния от конца датчика до основания на tan12°. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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Кнопка “Горизонтальная Стрелка” используется для выхода из меню, или проведения отмены команды. Кнопка E применяется для входа в меню и подтверждения введенного значения. Для принятия введенного нового значения, нажмите на кнопку в течении 3 секунд. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
Нажав на стрелки вверх или вниз, можете поменять индикаторы. dIstAncE Расстояние вещества, являющегося предметом измерения к датчику. MAIn Измерение, имеющееся в настройках (уровень вещества, количество и т.д.) cUrrEnt Выход тока для получения показателя измерения (4-20 мA) tEMP Температура Окружающей среды (Для компенсации) Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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“DEFAULTS LOAD NO”, с помощью стрелки Вверх DEFAULTS LOAD YES” нажать на кнопку E, будет задан вопрос “DEFAULTS SURE?” для подтверждения проведения процедуры. При подтверждении данного вопроса нажать на кнопку “E”, при отмене процедуры нажать на кнопку “Стрелка влево ”. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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• Для Distance можно выбрать один из вариантов метр, сантиметр, дюйм, фут. • Для LEVEL можно выбрать один из вариантов метр, сантиметр, дюйм, фут. • Для VOLUME можно выбрать один из вариантов кубометр (м3), литр, Американский галлон. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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между значением глубина (zero level) и расстоянием от наконечника датчика и до поверхности жидкости. Main Level = zero Level – distance • Если в меню Type выбран LEVEL, то меню Zero Level будет видно. DISTANCE ZERO LEVEL MAIN Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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начальное 4 мА и конечное необходимый значение 20 мА. Например: Если для LEVEL CM произведете настройку 40 см - 4 мA и 400 cм - 20 мA, то аналоговый выход в пределах от 40 cм до 400 cм будет настроен на 4 – 20мA. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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С помощью стрелок перейдите в данное меню и нажмите на кнопку E, применяя кнопки Стрелки Вверх и Вниз, определите время задержки для зажигания FAULT. Данное значение должно быть от 0 и до 15, которое определяет десятичные после запятой. Реле ошибки имеет контакт NC. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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мигании на экране будет принято решение не делать сброс, то нужно нажать на какую либо кнопку, кроме Е и если в течении 4 секунд не нажать на какую либо кнопку, то усройство продолжит работать в нормальном режиме. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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применяя кнопки Стрелки Вверх и Вниз, можете ввести значение Preambles больше 1. 13.2.3 hart Fixed current С помощью стрелок перейдите в данное меню и нажмите на кнопку E, применяя кнопки Стрелки Вверх и Вниз, можете фиксировать выход тока. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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ULtrAsOnIc LEVEL trAnsMIttEr & cOntrOLLEr 24V dc POWEr Measurig distance 12m (ideal conditions), Thread 2” BSP PVDF, OperatingTemprature –20C TO 90c, IP68, Operating presure 3bar, Modbus rs485 serial port, 1 Analog out4-20mA, Hart, 2 control relay (nO) out Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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24m (ideal conditions), Thread 4” DIN 259 Delrin® POM-C EN 10204, Operating temprature –20c tO 80c, IP68, Operating presure 1bar, Modbus rs485 serial port, 1 Analog out 4-20mA 2 control relay (nO) out Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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поломки, возникшие из-за механических усилий, а также дефекты, возникшие из-за указанных причин, не подпадают под гарантию. Пользователь обязан подбирать подходящее по диаметру кабеля соединение, герметично затягивать соединение, герметично закрывать крышку прибора и прокладывать кабель по направлению вниз. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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ПРИлоЖенИя РаСЧетЫ оБЪема Прямоугольная призма DıM_X: Расстояние от пола прямоугольного склада до наконечника датчика. DıM_Y: Ширина прямоугольного склада. DıM_Z: Длина прямоугольного склада. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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Горизонтальный Цилиндр DIM D d = DIM D− Distance DIM_D DIM_X DIM_L DıM_X: Расстояние от пола хранилища до наконечника датчика. DıM_D: Диаметр цилиндра. DıM_l: Длина горизонтального цилиндра. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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Шар h= DIM X − Distance DIM_D DIM_X DıM_X: Расстояние от пола хранилища до наконечника датчика. DıM_D: Диаметр шара. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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Parshal Flume h= DIM X − Distance DıM_D: Ширина канала. DıM_X: Расстояние от пола канала до наконечника датчика. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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после начинает с нуля. PArsHAL FLUME Десятичное число регистра Parshal flume 40126 Long MEtEr dEcIMALs (40124). Код единицы регистра счетчика Parshal PArsHAL FLUME flume (M , Ft , GL) 40128 MEtEr UnIt Long cOdE Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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Количество измерений, поступающих 40404 IntErVAL Long 1..8 в секунду в секунду Фильтрация измеренного значения 40406 FILtEr Long 0..16 0= фильтра нет, 16= максимальная фильтрация. Время запаздывания ошибочного 40408 dELAY Long 0..15 Секунд контакта в секундах Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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Для обнуливания счетчика Parshal flume Для PArsHAL обнуливания счетчика, значение в данном регистре FLUME 40500 Long поменять с 0 на 12345, и после того как появится MEtEr информация об обнуливании счетчика (40124), rEsEt написать снова 0. Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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41 Liter 40 Us Gallon 28 cubic Meters per second Ultrasonic transducer 24 Litters per Second Analog current Output Parshall Flume 26 cubic Feet per second Value 22 Us Gallons per second Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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#0 - Polling Address of device response data bytes #0 - Polling Address of device #0 - No Command-Specific Errors #2 - Invalid Selection (Address > 15) response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received #32 - busy Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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#7 to #10 - P.V. Lower range Value #11 to #14 - P.V. Damping Value (fixed 10) #15 - Write Protect code (not used , 0) #16 - Private Label distributor code (not used , 0) Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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#18 Transmitter Variable Code For Slot 3 (See Variable slot numbers in Table I) #19 Unit code For slot 3 #20 to #23 Variable For slot 3 #0 - No Command-Specific Errors response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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#0 - No Command-Specific Errors Command #38 Reset Configuration Changed Flag request data bytes none response data bytes none response codes #0 - No Command-Specific Errors Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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#59 Write number Of response Preambles request data bytes #0 number of preamble byte response data bytes #0 number of preamble byte (as in command) #0 - No Command-Specific Errors response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
Página 202
DECIMALS DECIMALS " " 1 DECIMALS " " 1 DECIMALS Type “VOLUME L” ZERO LEVEL " " Zero level Zero level (distance) – Distance Zero Level Type “LEVEL” Zero Level DISTANCE ZERO LEVEL MAIN Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
Página 224
ULTRASONIC LEVEL TRANSMITTER & CONTROLLER 24V DC POWER Measurig distance 12m (ideal conditions), Thread 2” BSP PVDF, OperatingTemprature –20C TO 90C, IP68, Operating presure 3Bar, Modbus RS485 serial port, 1 Analog out4 20mA, Hart, 2 Control Relay (NO) out Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
Página 225
24m (ideal conditions), Thread 4” DIN 259 Delrin® POM C EN 10204, Operating Temprature –20C TO 80C, IP68, Operating presure 1Bar, Modbus RS485 serial port, 1 Analog out 4 20mA 2 Control Relay (NO) out Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
Página 226
EN 61000 6 2:2005 Generic immunity standard. Industrial environment. EN 61010 1:2001 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use. IEC 1000 5 1 , IEC 1000 5 2 , IEC 1131 4 EN60204 1 Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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DIM D d = DIM D− Distance DIM_D DIM_X DIM_L DIM_X DIM_D DIM_L Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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DIM X − Distance DIM_D DIM_X DIM_X DIM_D Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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DIM X − Distance DIM_D DIM_X Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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Long 40120 REGISTER Long 40122 ERROR 40436 Parshal flume PARSHAL FLUME Long 40124 FLOW METER 999999.9 PARSHAL FLUME 40124 METER Long 40126 Parshal flume DECIMALS PARSHAL FLUME METER UNIT Long Parshal flume 40128 CODE Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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40212 VALUE 10106 MAIN_VALUE_TYPE_UNIT_CODE RELAY 2 Long DELAY 40214 TIME Long TYPE_UNIT 40400 (Main Value) – DISPLAY Long 40402 DECIMALS Long INTERVAL 40404 Long FILTER 40406 Long Fault DELAY 40408 (Volume) Long SHAPE 40410 Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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41 Liter 40 Us Gallon 28 cubic Meters per second Ultrasonic transducer 24 Litters per Second Analog current Output Parshall Flume 26 cubic Feet per second Value 22 Us Gallons per second Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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#7 - Hard rev (12 for 1.2) #8 - Flags #9 to #11 - device Id number (24-bit unsigned int) response codes #0 - No Command-Specific Errors response only if tag corresponds note - Only valid for broadcast Frames Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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#18 to #20 - date [] #0 to #5 - tag response data bytes #6 to #17 - descriptor #18 to #20 - date #0 - No Command-Specific Errors response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...
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#10 - Lower range Value too Low #11 - Upper range Value too High #12 - Upper range Value too Low #13 - Upper and Lower range Values Out of Limits #14 - span too small Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe ...
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#59 Write number Of response Preambles request data bytes #0 number of preamble byte response data bytes #0 number of preamble byte (as in command) #0 - No Command-Specific Errors response codes #5 - too Few data bytes received Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe...