until you see indication of required cooking program on the display If you need «Шеф/Chef» choose it with button
Preset for the program cooking time will be shown on the display.
You could choose product type in next programs: «Пар/Варка/Steam/Boil», «Бульон/Broth», «Тушение/Stew». Next product types are available in those programs: «Мясо/Meat», «Рыба/Fish»,
«Овощи/Vegetables»). For choosing product type please press "Product selection"
for meat,
If you don't want to change preset time meaning, press button "Start"
The multicooker informs you about cooking process stages. While heating to working pressure is going, indication "Heating"
and temperature indication.
When pressure inside the multicooker reaches working pressure, indication "Cooking"
When cooking is over you hear sound signal and the multicooker goes automatically to "Keep warm" mode. You will see indication of "Keep warm" stage on the display
for fish,
for vegetables.
. Cooking process starts.
(after you choose cooking program) and go on pressing it until required product indication is shown on the
is shown on the display and you see dynamic sign in cooking time
is shown on the display and time countdown starts.