You will need to adjust your chair from time to time for best performance (especially if you
alter the original settings). This chart gives you a first solution, then a second and a third if
needed. You may need to look farther to find the best solution for a specific problem.
Note: To keep track of your progress, make only ONE change at a time.
Make sure tire pressure is correct and equal in both
rear tires and front caster tires, if pneumatic.
Make sure all nuts and bolts are snug. (Note: Do not
overtighten or aluminum tubes may be damaged.)
Make sure all spokes and nipples are tight on
radial spoke wheels.
Use Tri-Flow Lubricant (Teflon®-based) between
all modular frame connections and parts.
Check for proper caster fork adjustment.
See instructions for caster fork adjustment.
Add a spacer washer between the plastic saddle and
the caster plate on the top of the left caster plate.
Add a spacer washer between the plastic saddle and
the caster plate on the bottom right caster plate
retaining bolts.
Add a spacer washer between the plastic saddle and
the caster plate on the top of the right caster plate.
Add a spacer washer between the plastic saddle and
the caster plate on the bottom left caster plate retain-
ing bolts.
Make sure both front casters touch the ground simul-
taneously. if they do not, add the proper spacers
between the bottom bearing of the caster plate and
fork stem nut until they do. Make sure you check for
this problem on a flat surface.
930360 Rev. E