fl at address and then press
- Enter Alias
An "Alias" can be linked to each user, that is a number, from 1
to 5 digit, with which the user can be called independently from
the fl at address of his device; enter the alias and then press
to move to the next programming.
Attention: whether the alias has been programmed or not,
user can be always called by dialing his fl at address.
- Enter Password
For each user only one password, of 1 to 8 digit, can be stored;
if a user requires more than one password, it is necessary to
store more users with the same name, but progressively num-
bered, which have different passwords and only the fi rst of
them has also the address. For example user Mr. Brown has
address and password, user Mr. Brown1 has only the pass-
word and so on with Mr. Brown2, etc.
For special users, such as postman, maintenance personnel,
cleaning staff, etc., users with only name and password, but
without address, must be created.
can't be stored two users who have the same password.
Enter the password and press
where one or more operating functions must be linked to the
password. Operating functions which can be linked are:
- Activate S+S-: releases the door lock connected to the ter-
minals S+ and S-; with the arrows
or <NO> and then press
- Activate Auxiliary Relay: enables the auxiliary relays (con-
tacts C, NC and NO are available on the terminal board); with
the arrows
select <YES> or <NO> and then press
to confi rm and move to the next programming.
- Activate Ring-me: enabling this function, as soon as a pass-
word is recognized, a single ring is sent to the user linked
to that password. This function is normally enabled together
with one o both the functions previously described, and it is
useful to inform you that someone has successfully used the
password linked to your name; with the arrows
lect <YES> or <NO> and then press
to the next programming, LCD shows briefl y "saved" and
the system returns to "Programming the directory".
Attention: when programming a new user, always must
be entered his name and at least one of the two following pa-
rameters: address of the fl at or password. Password must be
unique consequently can't exist a duplicated passwords.
Modify a User
In this section it is possible to modify the parameters previously
stored for a user.
key forwards you in "modify a User" (if
there aren't users stored in the directory, the system doesn't
allow you to access this menu);
previous menu.
To simplify the search of a user, user's directory can be sorted
- Sort by Name; all the users are listed by their name. Before
the name, between <>, is reported a number representing the
order with which the user has been stored. Press
the directory sorted by name.
- Sort by Alias; all the users are listed by their alias. Before
the alias, between <>, is reported a number representing the
order with which the user has been stored; users without alias
are listed for the last as "---", but following their storing order
(reported between <>). Press
- Sort by Password; all the users are listed by their password.
Before the password, between <>, is reported a number rep-
resenting the order with which the user has been stored; users
without password are listed for the last as "---", but following
their storing order (reported between <>). Press
directory sorted by password.
- Sort by Address; all the users are listed by their address. Be-
to move to the next program-
Attention: in the system
to move into next phase
select <YES>
to confi rm and move to the next
to confi rm and move
key backwards you to the
to get the directory sorted by
to get the
fore the address, between symbols <>, is reported a number
representing the order with which the user has been stored;
users without password are listed for the last as "---", but fol-
lowing their storing order (reported between <>). Press
get the directory sorted by name.
After sorting the directory in your preferred way, with
arrows it is possible to scroll the users, with
selection. The fi rst line of LCD shows:
- Modify name; on the second line of LCD, the user to be modi-
fi ed is displayed; to modify the name see "How to use the
keypad", then press
rameter. If the name of the user should not be modifi ed press
to move to the next parameter.
- Modify block address; on the second line of LCD, the block
address of the user to be modifi ed is displayed (if the user
hasn't the block address, no number is displayed); press
key to erase the previous block address, if any, and then enter
the new address. Press
next parameter. If the block address of the user should not be
modifi ed press directly
- Modify fl at address; on the second line of LCD, the fl at ad-
dress of the user to be modifi ed is displayed (if the user hasn't
the fl at address, no number is displayed); press
the previous fl at address, if any, and then enter the new ad-
dress. Press
If the fl at address of the user should not be modifi ed press
to move to the next parameter.
- Modify password; on the second line of LCD, the password
linked to the user is displayed (if the user hasn't a linked pass-
word, no number is displayed); press
password, if any, and then enter the new password. Press
key to confi rm and to move to the next parameter.
Attention: system doesn't allow to have two users with the
same password.
If the password of the user shouldn't be modifi ed press directly
to move to the next parameter.
- Activate S+S-: release the door lock connected to terminals
S+ ed S-; with the arrows
and then press
- Activate Relay: activate the auxiliary relais; with the arrows
select <YES> or <NO> and then press
fi rm and move to the next programming.
- Activate Ring-me: send a single ring to the user to which the
password is linked; with the arrows
or <NO> and then press
All the parameters of the user have been modifi ed, LCD dis-
plays for a while "saved" and then again the name of the modi-
fi ed user. With
to return to the previous menu; press
the programming.
Delete a User
It is possible to delete a user from the directory. Pressing
you access the menu "delete a user" (if there aren't users
stored in the directory, the system doesn't allow you to access
this menu);
To simplify searching of the user to be deleted, user's list can
to get
be sorted for:
- Sort by Name; see paragraph "Modify a user".
- Sort by Alias; see paragraph "Modify a user".
- Sort by Password; see paragraph "Modify a user".
- Sort by Address; see paragraph "Modify a user".
After sorting the directory in your preferred way, with
arrows it is possible to scroll the users, while
selection. The fi rst line of LCD shows:
- Delete <n°> "user name"? With arrows
<YES> or <NO> and then press
will return to the selection of the user to be deleted, choosing
<YES> LCD will briefl y show "saved" to indicate that the op-
eration has been done and the system moves back to the list
of the users to be deleted. Press
to confi rm and move to the next pa-
key to confi rm and to move to the
to move to the next parameter.
to confi rm and to move to the next parameter.
select <YES> or <NO>
to confi rm and move to the next program-
to confi rm.
arrows select another user or press
key backwards you to the previous menu.
to return to the previous
key confi rm the
to erase
to erase the previous
to con-
select <YES>
several times, to exit
key confi rm the
; choosing <NO> you
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