Fixing the conditioner
The air conditioner must be fixed using the 4 anti-vibration brackets (they can find in the machine kit) (fig.
3). The machine must be fixed on all four lateral sides, the brackets must be embedded in the anti-
condensation tray (using the "hook" on the rear), with the rubber pad facing out. The position of the brackets
along the four sides is free, it can be identified according to the dimensions in the compartment where the
machine is housed (fig. 4).
For fixing the machine, use screws suitable for the surface used for fixing.
Installation of the condensate drain piping
With the MACS the ambient air is dehumidified, the water is collected from the anti-condenser tray. The air
conditioner is equipped with two anti-condensation drains, it is possible use only one of two. The anti-
condensation drain is equipped with a stainless-steel plug (fig. 5), unscrew the plug, and install the pipe of a
suitable section in the drain.
Fig. 3 (fixing on machine base)
Fig. 4 (free position side for brackets)